Jan 25, 2023·edited Jan 25, 2023

1. The tabloids stole some of Prince Harry's hair (presumably from a haircut) and tested him when he was younger. They were sad to learn he's Charles' son.

He has looked like Charles' father, Philip, his whole life: https://www.elle.com/culture/g22072707/prince-harry-prince-philip-look-a-like/

2. QE2 was taking a cut of dirty mob dealings on England's offshore island, Jersey isle. Via John Averty.

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Have they reverse transcribed Marxism into the DNA as yet? Maybe in the latest Booster.

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Chuck, I'm trying to get in touch with you, no idea how. Do you have an email or something? Regarding: alperovitch, NSO, twitter spaces with Felix Sater. Thank you.

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Yes this is an extremely important statement! If you study history closely, you will find that the Parentage of Queen Victoria is very suspect. Her mother may not have had her with the purported father. I forget what exactly happened but I know that DNA testing would uncover that the current monarchy is probably not real. There is a big page online about all of this, I have it archived. Might have been a wikipedia page.

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While you're at it, go ahead and do some genetic testing on the retired Duchess of Sussex, too...

She's got that large skull/broad shoulders/narrow hips/prominent collar bones/low body fat look which seems to be all the rage among the dress-wearing royal/CIA/occult/celebrity crowd.

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