My mother was Episcopal, my father catholic. I went to a private Catholic school for 12 years. I have some large opinions that I’m not going to share here, but I will say Vance’s rendition of a catholic or even what going to mass is like is hilarious to me. Doesn’t seem real.

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You really try to force your perspective on your analysis in your negative approach to any discussion of J.. D. Vance. I don't believe you should credit Vance’s conversion to Rod Dherer, who is an ex-Catholic and a member of the Orthodox faith. I know Rod well and don't see him having that kind of influence on Vance’s thinking.. Patrick Deneen at Notre Dame is one who has some influence over Vance’s intellectual journey. Vance strikes me as a man in search of the truth just like my friend, the late Robert Novak. Or, the late Malcolm Muggeridge.

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