Are you smoking meth?

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Seek mental help

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Why miss the Indians?

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"This is gun porn masquerading as gun rights"

So, you'd rather replace "gun porn" with tranny porn? With "sex-grooming for children" porn? (What do you think tranny-story hour IS? They NEVER read to old folks in a home, do they?) Do you object to 'fast car' or racing car or luxury car porn? How about expensive house design porn? With cooking porn?

Why do you think that "denigrating" a kind of pleasurable videos about something millions of Americans find fun to watch, and educational is a good or useful positon? (Well, it used to be mostly educational, until the "socials" began censoring the hell out of "gun people" discussing and demonstrating SAFE gun use and handling... Now all they show is stupid people MIS-handling guns... Blacks in Chicago murdering and destorying and bragging about they guns they're NOT legally allowed to have! But mostly White guys showing how to SAFELY handle guns is somehow worse?! (Your "position" is wrong and intentionally damaging to OUR NATION!)

Are you afraid of good guys (and gals) with guns? Carricker, of Demolition Ranch, is horrified and dismayed that the idiot (now dead) kid: motivated by the MEDIA and his own stupidity) decided to try to kill wearing a teeshirt showing Demolition Ranch. The Demolition Ranch videos ALWAYS stress safe gun handling, even as they joke and kid and do (okay, silly men-things) with guns that most of us will never be able to own. NOTICE, they do not to stupid things with stupid people at stupid places! They do (and then show us) fun and funny things done by careful and educated people at a carefully designed SAFE place wherein to do those things.

Do you want to censor football? Guys get hurt doing that, and many many of them suffer permanent brain damage for the rest of their lives! Have you ever deprecated football fans? Guys DIE in racing cars.... ever suggested NASCAR should be banned off TV?

"Butler was an important place in World War II."

Do you think ANY "American" below the age of 35-40 has ever even HEARD of Butler PA? Shit, the ones before 35 have never even heard of WWII! You're apparently writing to your 'old-guy think tank folks' -- who were taught (cause they're too young to REMEMBER a war from 80 yrs ago, yes?) to try to sway them...

"the shooter is a Registered Republican."

So you ALSO didn't look into how many Pennsylvanian LIBERALS registered Repub so they could VOTE in the primaries and try to put up Tusli Gabbard instead of Trump? You just MISSED that part? You left out the neighgbors pointing out the 'Biden lawn signs' at the house where that kid lived?

First (and last) time I've read anything by you... Seems pretty clear that you are the destructive in-country 'plant' you're looking for!

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If Trump had been touched by an AR-15 round, he wouldn’t have an ear anymore.

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As a fan of yours, I’d like to offer my thoughts and apprehensions about the supposed outcomes of this operation. I fall into the unfortunate peon camp of not paying for your thoughts and I thank you in full through my petty thoughts here.

You are alleging that Trump was not necessary to be hit. Yet he was literally hit. He was about splattered live. As a Christian, that is divine intervention, rather than some sort of stage play. However you’re stating some sort of technology and operations, or lack thereof, realized the “hard” photo of Trump.

The potential photos here could have elicited profoundly different results in my opinion. Rather than pure anger, Americans who support a nation with revitalized patriotism and normalcy are now forevermore bolstered around the only figure they can wrap their heads around to support. I’d imagine you would reply that these effects are narrower and more predictable than I’m alleging, which is why your stated 3 effects of the op tops with 1) to frighten Trump… however I don’t know how Trump would be frightened if he then laid 6 feet under, considering how 6 centimeters of distance altered his history.

You have previously stated Trump does not want to win, which I have agreed with you on, however what are his relationships with the elements of Israelidom fostering them to necessarily want his life taken (or accidentally-on-purpose taken in your view) in this moment. Many I’d imagine, which is part of your support of Biden as a harbinger against these players and plans.

But why would any of this ultimately have mattered to the various benefited Israelis and others when he seemingly was on track to have won the election (in terms of de jure popular opinion, not de facto electioneering), and has now offered the best populist promotion to presidency. Is Trump turned or not? Who’s loyal to who and why? Why did Trump say “Fight, Fight, Fight”…who was that spoken to? Himself perhaps?

Any secret service or CIA compromises? The kids not a pro, yet he hit. Who needs to be identified as compromised and why? Were we nearly in the Nikki Haley moment?

I’m sure we’ll get some answers from you later about these things, but you know as well as I do that this leaves many questions about what went down and what outcomes were intended. I cannot view this a comprehensive analysis of July 13th 2024, but it very well may be a considerable part, and I respect your thoughts entirely. Thank you

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I pay you in part* you deserve some of financial taxation from me from how much I’ve consumed your content.

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