Charles, in fairness, the apps aren't really breeding programs because women still make the decision for who they want to breed with, and women have never been pickier in human history than they are today. I'd say the media being consumed by the American female is doing plenty of anti-breeding on its own. The three main cancers were: 1) Sandberg's Lean In ideology which had the effect of approving and perhaps radicalizing women in the corporate world into becoming total psychopaths for a few years in the 2010s. 2) Stop showing these HBO shows like Sex and the City or Lena Dunham's stupid show, which motivated both the elder and younger Millennial ladies who were perfectly nice, came from good upper middle class families, that they ought to pickup and move to NYC to live some fantasy lifestyle and meet their dream man. Little did they know NYC has one of the most insane female-to-male ratios in America, which is designed to keep all the richer men on Wall Street, media and other powerful sectors laid on a nightly basis. 3) We should just ban The Bachelor from ever being aired again, this one has hypnotized all women who watch it to immediately dismiss dating anyone under 6 feet tall. Seriously, look up the winners of that show, the shortest Bachelor winner ever was 5'10, the median/average for the show is 6'2/6'3. Meanwhile the average/median American male is 5'8/5'9. That's if we even want these mostly damaged (white) Millennial ladies to even be mothers at this later stage. I myself find far more happiness with my Latina fiance and encourage others to find themselves one, especially if they grew up in their home country and later came to the US. Latin America was a lot more dangerous in their youth than it is today (in most places). Little did I know all I ever wanted from a partner was to be genuinely appreciated as a man, something that's nearly impossible to find out of American women who have turned into damaged goods. This should be the new American breeding program, there are endless single Latina ladies out there too who dont entirely trust Latin men to stay loyal, and they'll far exceed normal relational expectations for most young males. The bigger question is what will become of an America with a large single, childless white female population when these Millennial women hit their 50s? That is a very interesting question when thinking about breeding. This may not turn out the way people think it will either, Russia since the 2000s is a test case for how this may look in America in a few decades. Putin built his whole support on the large widowed middle aged female population whose husbands all died from the fallout in the 90s and I feel something similar may happen here, but how it may manifest is up for grabs.

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What a load of horse shit, per the usual fr ol Chuckie.

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