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Dear Charles, I have a proposition for you as a result of your efforts to clean the Zio-Cons (Bibi-Jabotinsky Hilter pact) out of Silicon Valley. Bibi's father was Jabotinsky's personal secretary. Bibi is following father's footsteps. For the record, Ben Gurion-the founder of Israel--called Jabotinsky "Hitler" and refused both Jabotinsky's last wishes and many post-humous pleas to have Jabotinsky's bones interned in Israel. Jabotinsky's is the founder of Betar (a militaristic-hilter-youth-movement), which supplied the shock troops to Irgun (a self-proclaimed terrorist group), which 'mainstreamed' post-independence into the Likud Party--with terrorists Ariel Sharon and Menachmem Begin being exemplars of the brutality of the Betar-Irgun-Nazi mindset. I applaud your support for Ukraine. I applaud Luckey Palmer's support for Ukraine. While I find some of your views as described on Wikipedia and elsewhere to be appalling, I share your commitment and passion for saving liberal democracy from the scourge of totalitarianism. Please reach out by whatsapp or signal at +1 424.436.0818 (or you can call the phone directly). My position on Ukraine is included here. You can find my anti-fascist-Bibi-Con writings there as well (and the Claremont Campus invasion) order by the Zio-Con board members at Pomona (yes Pomona, not CMC). -Bryan https://www.tulppp.com/ukraine

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