Is Elon Musk Funding A Lawsuit Against Me? Let's Go! But "With Malice Toward None..." "Do Not Commit The Crime..."
About them there baby mama drama...
“Abbe Faria: Here is your final lesson - do not commit the crime for which you now serve the sentence. God said, Vengeance is mine.
Edmond Dantes: I don't believe in God.
Abbe Faria: It doesn't matter. He believes in you. ”
― Alexandre Dumas, The Count of Monte Cristo, V1
I recently discovered that the frivolous lawsuit that Hal Lambert filed against me is being supported by Elon Musk. Oh no! This seems pretty bad for me, doesn’t it? Can I really go up against The Richest Man in the World (TM)? Oh boy.
Intuitively this realization makes some measure of sense: a recent request for discovery lists journalists who have only one thing in common — they have all written about Elon Musk in a critical manner. In fact some of these reporters I have never even talked to. I didn’t even know who they were before Googling.
I take this discovery for what it is: an attempt by a foreign funded power to discover all of my networks and contacts with law enforcement and journalists. On principle I will not comply with it.
To do so would be to endanger my sources and harm my network and that’s something I will not do.
How I learned this key piece of information I’ll save for a later date but it’s quite interesting that Musk’s law firm — Quinn Emanuel — is engaged in the suit. We’ve talked about their connections before representing Chinese interests in genomics, drones, and of course Huawei.
Rest assured, I intend to continue telling the truth about Musk and his criminality.
I also intend to document the criminal networks around Hal Lambert, come what may. The irony isn’t lost on me that I introduced Lambert to Musk business partners Luke Nosek and Steve Oskoui but doesn’t it seem obvious that they would have eventually found one another anyway.
How I shall afford to tell the truth is another matter. I’m looking for allies and money. It’s quite possible I may be bankrupted in this fight. I obviously don’t have the resources to go up against The Richest Man in the World (TM) so I’m going to need help. Help can come in many forms — you really should subscribe to this Substack, you lovely freeloaders — but I’ll take prayer and good thoughts and even information.
It’s not every day that The Richest Man in the World (TM) sues you through a proxy but I intend to win. I understand that the calvary is on its way and I do sure hope they arrive before I have been utterly bankrupted. Will they? I guess we shall see!
I recently attended church at the National Cathedral whereupon I came upon this lovely Abraham Lincoln quotation, which seemed apt to my particular circumstance.
Now Abraham didn’t endure but he still reigns, doesn’t he?
Not so long ago when I started this project, I decided that I would do the very best I could as long as I was able. I would do it alone if necessary. I would do it every day. Yes, I would be the kind of person I had hoped I might meet when I was coming up. Kind, gentlemanly, brave. I could wrap myself in the work.
Of course I imagined at some point I would retire, having taught a generation of people how to see the world as I do. By some accounts I have. This new group would take over from me and I could return to the anonymity I once enjoyed. That day is drawing nearer but we are not yet at that point. When it does I intend to spend some time traveling the world, maybe with those whom I love or maybe alone. Whether I am remember or not for what I did matters little to me.
I began this project in a deep depression not sure if I would make the year — that was nearly five years ago — and so it has kept me alive.
So yes, I am prepared to give it my best and if necessary my all. After all, if that is what He wants so shall it be so. Nothing I do gets in the way of His plans.
“Trusting in Him, who can go with me, and remain with you and be every where for good, let us confidently hope that all will yet be well.”
Well, well, well. I guess Charles wasn’t so crazy when he talked about “breeding programs,” after all. Was he? Line for the apologies starts at the paid subscribe button. Ha!
My old boss Steve Bannon — I knew him before he was a felon and wish him well since he has turned patriot — recently calls these types “technofeudalists” or the “South Africans.” Still others call them the “broligarchy.”
I just call them “fronts” or “constructs.”
But perhaps a better phrase for them might have been “theatre kids.” A good front needs some orders. A good theatre kid needs a script, or perhaps a prompt to carry through.
Here’s a prompt: “You are The Richest Man in the World. Act as if.”
Oh and what a show! This is the greatest show, is it not? And Elon and Trump are the very best of actors but then again, I suppose we all are actors in our way. Didn’t Ronald Reagan call it the “role of a lifetime”?
If you’re routinely told that you are so smart you might come to believe it. If your father compares you to royalty you might start behaving as if you were royalty. This is what is meant by suggestibility.
So we have it with Ashley St. Clair, who posted on X — where else? — that she is the mother of Musk’s thirteenth known child. I say known child because rather incredibly we don’t really know how many children Elon Musk has. Think about how crazy that sentence is. Here’s another: We don’t even know if Elon Musk knows how many children Elon Musk has or even if he even cares. A serious nation would have journalists actually investigate this question but under the petina of “privacy” claims we can’t investigate modern day fascism. Naturally.
Anyway, children are a great way of building alliances and that’s what I understand is going on with Musk and his children. Every baby mama is a signal of an alliance that Musk covets. Musk’s closeness with the Mormon world — his fixer is Mormon Jared Birchall — also gives you a sense of it. He’s also reportedly close to Kevin Nolan, a racist Mormon “Deseret nationalist” who formerly worked at Booz Allen and who is said to be advising Musk’s DOGE. We’ve talked a lot about Deseret here. Search the archives. Search the archives!
I’m told Elon funds a lot of these breeding cults “natalists organizations” and it’s true that Luke Nosek has been spotted dining with the Collins, who are among the most prominent of pro-natalist organizations. Malcolm told me a few years ago that he thinks a growing business in the future is raising rich people’s kids. “Like nannying?” I asked, rather naively. Apparently not. Like having and raising the kids of the rich.
There are these people who act as a sort of servants to these oligarchs, doing their increasingly deranged bidding. Ben Smith once noted that many of his friends from university effectively served as the aide de camps of the mega rich. And among my friends there’s more than a bit of that. This sort of thing sucks, of course, but that’s how it is in an increasingly oligarchic America. The billionaires scam you by pretending to invest in you or back you until you quit and they replace you. Believe me I know what I’m talking about.
Every billionaire selects his unstable stable of malcontents only too desperate to please. Once upon a time it was surmised — and never proven! — that I was one such for Peter Thiel but as I am fond of saying, he served me. You don’t hear too much about Thiel these days, do you? Huh. ;-)
So Musk baby mama Shivon Zhillis is part Indian therefore he brings their kids to meet Prime Minister Modi. (Luke Nosek, a business partner of Elon’s who manages Indian money through GigaFund, attended the wedding of one of the Ambanis.)
Having kids is also a great way to move money. Lawyers, trusts, accountants, asset managers. All of that needs to be paid for. One friend sets them up for kids he has when his wife is pregnant. They’re not even born and they are already rich. What an entrance into life!
Way back in 2017 Sam Altman famously told me at his home that Elon only “has sons,” which was so shockingly similar to a line from the 2011 film Martha Marcy May Marlene about an up state cult not too dissimilar from NXIVM that I was pretty disturbed, especially as my wife and I had just had a little girl. Since then, I understand Elon has at least two daughters and one trans daughter, so maybe things are changing.
Now I like women. A lot. I have a lot of women friends of all legal ages. The secret of all of my successes is the women who served as surrogate mothers and sisters to me and who managed my blindspots.
So I’m terribly suspicious of men who don’t have women around them, especially mothers who have unnatural abilities. A man who does not delight in the company of women is utterly alien to me. Indeed I find it pretty magically that women can give birth and so it’s more than a little disturbing that someone would rent a womb and take the child who had been nourished away from the woman who had been carrying the child for nine months. Seems wrong, seems sinister. Especially when you consider how many sets of twins Elon has. Say weren’t the Nazis very interested in twinning?
I’m not sure if this should be illegal but it should definitely be a lot more regulated. If anything it’s a public health concern. There’s some guy in England who claims to have had 180 children.
If only I knew someone building a genomics company which could address this proliferation of progeny. Hmmm…. Who might that be, Charles? Might I introduce you to my startup
Why did my grandparents have to sign something when they got married attesting to them not being cousins and yet we have all these people running around with sperm banks? Oh dear me.
Now I admit it’s definitely funny to be knocking up all these women and not having sex with them as is seemingly the case with Elon Musk.
It’s the kind of diabolical thing you’d do if you really hated women, or had a very strange relationship with your mother. I’ve talked before about how Maye, descendant from the pro-Nazi Joe Haldeman, is running the family organized crime syndicate.
A friend writes:
Many of us (seriously) now think that he’s some sort of closet gay. He’s never lived with a woman, it seems. Goes on dates with his mother… the 10-12 kids are possibly all IVF. And this bunch of kids at DOGE who all suck up to him seem like a sort of harem of 18-24 year olds.
Remember that Elon and his first wife once owned a sex club called “Deep.” Yes, OK.
Did you know that Musk business partners Steve Oskoui and Luke Nosek also owned a night club?
In the oldentimes you used marriage (and presumably children) as a way of preventing conflict. Elon’s got the half Indian kids, the Canadian kids and so on. If I had to bet I’d say he’s got a lot more children than we know about. I think he already has Iranian, Turkish and Chinese children. Why wouldn’t he?
How then shall we look upon Ms. St. Clair? She claims in her announcement that she gave birth to a child five months ago. If true, that would be roughly September, meaning the child was conceived in January 2024, right around the time that Musk famously visited Auschwitz with Ben Shapiro.

Careful observers here would note that Musk is being shown around by Chabad rabbi and that Musk, who has been credibly accused of slave labor, is standing in front of Arbeit Macht Frei — the iconic Nazi slogan that “Work Makes You Free.”
Did Musk choose to breed with Ashley St. Clair right around this time to show the world how philosemitic he was? A sort of “I don’t hate Jews, I breed with them” sort of move?
Ms. St. Clair — age unknown, unclear if that’s even her real name — has been represented in the past by attorneys close to Chabad. She’s reportedly half Jewish so like a lot of Mischlings she’s very pro-Netanyahu.
Arthur Bloom, who is also being targeted by these foreign networks, points out her closeness to the Gertler network.
Zionist influencer Ashley St. Clair posted this week about Elon Musk being her alleged baby daddy, and that they’re trying to work out a child support arrangement. She got support from the New York Post, though she said she had been trying to keep it all quiet.
She is using Brian Glicklich’s PR firm, who also appears to have done work for the Israeli Mer Group and the Congolese government, which seems to be connected to the sanctioned diamonds magnate Dan Gertler, who has been covered here in the past.
It’s worth noting that Gertler had his sanctions removed in Trump 1.0 and that much of the mining that Gertler did concerns the essential components for Tesla batteries.
Former Mossad chief Yossi Cohen, who, like Gertler, is a Netanyahu ally, was thrown out of the Democratic Republic of Congo, ostensibly for plotting a coup against Felix Tshisekedi.
If you look closely you’ll see Israelis all around Elon, including when he stole Tesla from its creators. You’ll also see that they were involved in the self-driving car stock fraud.
No, I’m not going to stop talking about that. As long as there is a breath in my body.
Might I commend these videos to your attention?
Here’s the reality.
The dollar is the world’s reserve currency. As such there are lots of dollars that circulate back into our system.
Increasingly some of those dollars get filtered through the great influencer racket but they also move through venture capital and private equity and real estate funds. Everyone whores themselves out for these buckeroos.
No, I don’t particularly like Ashley St. Clair. Nor, apparently, does she like me. I didn’t like her relationship with “Nuance Bro” aka Omeed Afsarifard, the Iranian-American who was helping to traffic guns.
But I do have some measure of sympathy for what St. Clair’s been through. No, I’m not quite there yet with Jessica Reed Kraus who seems to be some sort of Israeli gossip blogger, having written a defense of Ashley St. Clair. That’s a bit much. Could it be that Our Greatest Ally sees a way in to the Richest Man in the World (TM)? I wonder. You were supposed to call me, Jessica.
But I was young once. I can imagine the thrill of being a pick me and how fun it must be to have The Richest Man in the World (TM)’s kids.
Were I trying to rein in Elon I might even be persuaded to use his baby mamas for leverage.
Elon’s father, Errol, who I have corresponded with, is seemingly trying to do everything he can to convince his son to step back from the ledge. Might we consider making contact with the old man?
As one gets older, one starts to see these things for what they are.
This is a family drama.
Hug your children close and give them love. Well adjusted kids don’t do weird things like finance lawsuits or have scores of children.
This Twitter account argues that Musk is unaware of a lot of his childhood (from:oblockheedm). I wonder if you could help your law case by digging into if his dad trafficked him.
"Elon Musk came from RAMCOA... sold by his father, beaten and put into breeder training which is why he has twelve children. Death cults use billionaires."
"he's a survivor without his memory yet... I think his part that is blocking child memory is taking the elite contract exchange and choosing to stay unaware and be rewarded for 'don't remember don't tell'"
"Musk could stop this, but he cannot remember the testing done on him. Instead he is allowed to remember only his bullying in school, abused mom, and violent dad. This is how ramcoa works in mk ultra. Front life and back life are separated for the death cults to use"
"Elon was/is a breeder trained survivor who was to carry money and bloodline."