On Constructs and Their Unmasking...
Why Mike Benz and his wife and their Thiel network matters
It’s not personal Silicon Valley but I have a craftsman’s dislike of the charlatan and the professional’s distaste for the amateur.
One of the more fascinating things in our present moment are the numbers of constructs out and about. They flop and flap around much to the annoyance of the rest of us—often to the detriment of our own security.
Sometimes it seems as if the theatre kids are LARPing as the science kids with attendant misery for everyone else. You see, if the science kids aren’t allowed to do science — or have their innovations or companies stolen from them by foreign actors — the world starts to suffer.
You got a taste of this film flam if you read Max Chafkin’s biography of Peter Thiel, The Contrarian. Thiel liked to play Magic the Gathering and loved board games. ‘Nuff said.
All the world may well be a stage and there are people who are handed their lines for reasons opaque to the American public. Dig enough and you’ll discover that the screenwriter is invariably Russian, Israeli, or Chinese — sometimes they’re even traded around like, well, collectibles.
To be sure, nobody would dare accuse me of being a second-wave feminist but the personal is decidedly political and so it would appear with Benz’s ex-wife Susie Antal.
There’s been much discussion about Mike Benz aka Frame Game online.
Here’s the sometimes reliable, sometimes not Brandy Zadrozny of NBC News.
Michael Benz, a former Trump State Department official whose work has been cited in congressional hearings and promoted by Elon Musk, has become a go-to voice for Republican criticism of government and social media censorship in the past year.
But before his stints in government and as a pundit, Benz appears to have been a pseudonymous alt-right content creator who courted and interacted with white nationalists and posted videos espousing racist conspiracy theories, according to recordings, livestreams and blog posts reviewed by NBC News.
Benz was allegedly involved in both the Proud Boys and running a weird op on Gab, the social messaging platform.
The rumor is that Benz is funded by the Chisraeli network around Bernie Marcus. Marcus, of Home Depot fame, is where consumer goods from China, mob labor and Jewish finance meet. He is a big Netanyahu supporter as his ally and consigliere Steve Hantler who doles out the funding.
Benz’s foundation website says he’s a project of Empower Oversight — whatever that is.
We also know that Benz was denied a security clearance several times. The reasons stated were his affiliations to countries considered hostile to America, his relationship to foreign assets, and connections which foreign intel agencies flagged as well.
The former Ms. Benz — Susie Antal — was born in Budapest, college in Amsterdam, lived in London, moved to New York and married and then divorced Mike Benz. Globalist much?
We received this email from a tipster:
She's no longer with Mike Benz and now dating John Backus (https://johnback.us/)--cofounder of Cognito-which was acquired for 250 million dollars by Plaid.
Note a16z, Google Ventures as key investors--also note DOJ blocked merger w/ vias due to data privacy concerns. [CJ’s note: As yes, privacy, that old deep state tool.]
Also note Plaid is partnered with Israeli Unipaas
Here's pic of them at Palladium event--I'm sure you know about Palladium.
Look at Backus's twitter likes-- all Yarvin and Thiel.
Israeli interesting. Lots of coincidences.
Backus is also a Thiel fellow because of course he is.
Palladium is a kind of Chinese-Israeli property funded by Thiel to help us make sense of the world. There are other players who are picking up the slack now — notably the Musk network out of Austin.
Still, it’s becoming increasingly clear that Thiel is at the center of a lot of nefarious things. Will these networks be cleaned up? Your guess is as good as mine.
High interests rates will make a lot of these networks go a little crazy.
I’d reach out to John but well, you know, how this goes by now.
You’re left wondering, as I am, just how many fucking Chinese, Israeli, Indian and Russian spies Thiel infiltrated into our country with his fake scholarship.
There needs to be an accounting — and a reckoning.
A recent article in the FT provides a way to think about this transformation.
American tech barons, by contrast, generally built their platforms before their government even grasped what they were up to. But once rich, they faced the same life-long burden as their post-Soviet brethren: what Jeffrey Winters, another scholar of oligarchs, calls “wealth defence”. Every oligarch is always working out where the next threat to his money (or life) will come from. American tech billionaires live in fear of Washington or Brussels breaking up their near-monopolies. Whereas ex-Soviet oligarchs seek favours from government, western oligarchs want governments to leave them alone.
Silicon Valley’s barons may sincerely think that their libertarianism is good for the world. As Jack London wrote: “The great driving force of the oligarchs is the belief that they are doing right.” But this can lead them to intervene in democracy. Jonathan Taplin writes in his new book The End of Reality: “In order to maintain their rule, Big Tech needs political gridlock.” Its ideal is a polarised Congress that can’t agree on any regulations. Big Tech’s next battle may be to prevent effective regulation of artificial intelligence.
We should view these disinformation agents as an attack on the sense making apparatus of American life.
You should expect them to bullshit you. And you should call them on their bullshit.