There is no way it’s not him.

After posting my analysis and disagreeing with him on adriandittmann my 5th account got banned again (@VVMUsDemocratie), again for no reason given, and they are still trying to charge for my last banned account.

He’s exposed as a total ego maniac in these spaces, and his quirky nerdy ‘normal’ persona is just a PR front, they have completely let go the ‘free speech’ aspect recently, scary times, with a huge chilling effect on all of X.

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There is no way David Titus is not you! O the scandal. (Yawn).

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"Dittmann" is German and literally means "Serving Man" or rather just "Servant".


Adrian comes from the Greek name Hadrian - which is the name of an Italian town that means "Dark Town".

Being Greek I wonder if "Hadrian" derives from "Hades" which is the ancient Greek name of the Dark Underworld or Hell...

In other words the name "Adrian Dittmann" could mean "Dark Servant", "Servant of Darkness" or "Servant of Hell"...

That would fit well with his Baphomet costume and the fact that he just changed his avatar on twitter to a modernized version of the ancient Egyptian god "Kek" who was literally the god of "primordial darkness".


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Sky River ... the same Sky from which Satan fell to Earth and River like the River Styx. Sky River is literally Beezlebub, the god of "primordial excrement". And now a mere substack troll. How the mighty have fallen.

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You mean BeelzeBob?

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One more thing... from my perspective, Elon is absolutely not a genius. All it takes is hard working, quick, resourceful people like you to uncover this fact.

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Okay Karen. (Wow, the jealousy!)

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Amazing work Charles!

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This was awesome. Thanks.

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It's so cool that your 6th great grandfather was involved with the Lexington Alarm. I go to the reenactment here in Lexington. So inspiring! Keep up the fight, Charles.

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He’s as wealthy as he’s dumb if he thinks he’s fooling anyone.

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Sounds like a real crock imo. Not to judge here, but you’re overly emotional with your legal threats. Chill.

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I think humiliating the world’s richest person on the platform he owns certainly counts for *something*. But this guy’s acting like he performed a monumental act of espionage when it’s been known for a while that Elon uses alt accounts.

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This is bullshit Adrian is just a sharp young nice South African guy trying to build a following as a spaces host with some income. I and others have spent many, many hours talking/listening to him and others sometimes WHILE Elon was live streaming launching rockets, or on live TV. In fact I have been in spaces with Adrian where Elon himself popped into the room to just chill and talk to us on several occasions while he was flying in his jet using Starlink. He kinda likes Adrian because he is a South African homeboy/big-time TESLA fanboy as many of us are. We are quite protective of Elon and enjoy letting him be normal and just chill out and talk about silly / fun stuff with us like video games or his super cool cars.

Adrian does in fact purposely go out of his way to sound even more like Elon than he does naturally as it's his Gimmick in order to be more popular since it freaks people out - they really just share the same South African accent much like guys from Britain, Boston or Brooklyn.

Adrian often is himself after Sometimes very long spaces lasting sometimes all night we're going to get goofy and what's his hair down so to speak Basically he's nothing like him, he (Adrian) is very much his own person and he's not nearly as brilliant as Elon by a mile and he would be the first to admit it.

Sometimes Elon seems kinda lonely when he pops in the space with us - in the sense he misses being a normal person without worrying about his every word being dissected and people constantly sucking up to him, sometimes seems he is just trying to unwind to get to sleep Bottom line they're definitely two different people who talk to each other no matter what you think.

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I have no dog in this fight but if they are different people they sound like twins.

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Charles Johnson .. obsessive stalker and professional gadfly.

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If not him, they clearly work together. It seems to me considering the voices, two people are using the name dittmann. The man talking with connoreatspants sounds exactly like musk, but x spaces discussions where dittmann takes part, he sounds like musk, but not exactly the same, this might be due to voice alteration, or dittmann being two people. The dittmann who is a musk groupie, and musk using his account. It is the kind of stuff a stoned musk would come up with, trusting in the similarities in their voices.

It is certain there is a dittmann beyond musk, due to pictures and photographs. But is he manufactured (the deletion of them might be a clue to that, so people would not be able to analyse their originality) , was his account bought?, or is dittmann involved and just enjoying a joke, and the attention?.

It doesnt matter though.

The outrage against musk is also his nourishment. So is the inquiry in his activities.

It also supports his narcissistic behavior.

I think it all hilarious. Its so damn nihilistic.

Musk is so much slave to surrounding context, to manufactured idolatry..

He is bound to collapse one time. He is simply accumulating misery. Without creating real strength within.

He is not a free man. But he is capable of many things. This is what makes him dangerous. That he puts his chains on other people. At times he seems like a freethinker, but that is just a mirage. He dreams of power, of being a 'savior'. He might believe in his freedom even. In righteousness. That he can counteract trump and his cronies.. but that is not how it will play out. He will simply be part of the chaos, of global power dynamics.. just another player, disconnected from life, controlling life. Creating again a more miserable world, as has been the act of many a politician

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So is the inquiry in his activities.

It also supports his narcissistic behavior.

I think it all hilarious. Its so damn nihilistic.

Musk is so much slave to surrounding context, to manufactured idolatry..

He is bound to collapse one time. He is simply accumulating misery. Without creating real strength within.

He is not a free man. But he is capable of many things. This is what makes him dangerous. That he puts his chains on other people. At times he seems like a freethinker, but that is just a mirage. He dreams of power, of being a 'savior'. He might believe in his freedom even. In righteousness. That he can counteract trump and his cronies.. but that is not how it will play out. He will simply be part of the chaos, of global power dynamics.. just another player, disconnected from life, controlling life. Creating again a more miserable world, as has been the act of many a politician

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Elon is clearly a brilliant and impressive dude but he seems cray lately. Maybe he needs a vacation.

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Can we talk about the hacker + independent journo Spectator report that came out yesterday and Elon has now "banned"? I have questions about the hacker who just so happened to start looking for Dittmann data a few days ago, and the journo they picked to post the evidence, etc. If you were on Twitter I'd be DM'ing you

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Listening to the very first audio clip I heard Elon Musk the entire time, even when his voice went strange, the modulation I guess? It sounded like him the entire time.

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That's it???THIS is what Elon is all upset about? Don't get me wrong, Elon is terrible and should be upset every second of his terrible life, but THIS? There is not an awful lot of "there" here, is there? I believe it, but I was expecting 3000 , footnoted words....

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I think that's why Drudge linked to it... To show how shallow and narcissistic Elon is that he bans this!

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With all due respect, you’re an idiot.

Everything you write should be prefaced with “In my opinion”;

“In my opinion Elon Musk is this person”

“In my opinion these facts are irrefutable”

If you just say those three simple words, then I would have no opinion of you. Now your name will forever be tied to some guy who didn’t even spend the time to perform Google searches on the guys name, to clearly seee he is a man living in Fiji… basic reporting 101. Your story got debunked in hours. Seriously, you need to do better unless you are just trying to be a troll.

For someone who is not an Elon Musk fan (me) I’m definitely starting to see his side when he has to deal with people like you writing this and getting on the front page of Drudge Report.

Take care, hope everything works out for you.

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