"Counterintelligence R US": A Few Thoughts About Oppression and Occupation And How To Respond
Why FBI counterintelligence has an Israel blindspot--and piggy bank
Welcome, welcome, new friends and subscribers. Since the events of October 7 we’ve had tremendous growth in subscribers. I’ve also had a number of people reach out to me to compliment me on the pieces we did on Delian Asparouhov and the fraud at Founders Fund.
Author James Bamford of NSA investigative fame has an extremely impressive book, Spyfail: Foreign Spies, Moles, Saboteurs, and the Collapse of America’s Counterintelligence (2023) which, among other things details the massive Israeli intelligence operations that targets anti-apartheid college students and their American supporters.
I know this topic intimately. Once upon a time I was invited to participate in building these dossiers by none other than Adam Milstein, who I later learned is an Israeli spy running the Canary Project. I met Milstein in an Encino steak restaurant in 2015 and he laid out what he was doing and asked me to join. I demurred when he told me how he had the very compromised Senator Lindsey Graham in his back pocket. I reported all of this to the FBI, of course.
Milstein’s Canary Project is now targeting the Vice President’s family.
But it doesn’t take much imagination to see the outgrowth of this deeply personal surveillance in the attacks on young men like Nick Fuentes and those who don’t toe the Likud party line in the Republican Party. These forces are no doubt powerful. Even those who seem to stray from it like Congressman Matt Gaetz seemingly and eventually get brought back into line. For what it’s worth we’ll see when it’s all said and done with Gaetz. I remain hopeful. At the very least he got rid of China-compromised Kevin.
The mechanics of this targeting are easy to see. If you defame someone as a white nationalist and add them to Internet blacklists you might end up radicalizing them — and maybe getting them to run drugs or worse — and maybe that’s entirely the point. I was told to “get right with Bibi” once I got targeted. But the only way to get right with him was to let him have access to America’s greatest technologies. No thanks.
Anyway back to Bamford… if you’re not down to read a 490+ page book I’d recommend two articles that Bamford wrote for The Nation:
Why Israel Slept with the subhead: The long catalogue of intelligence failures that allowed Hamas to stage its brutal surprise attack on October 7 begins at The Venetian, Sheldon Adelson’s Las Vegas resort.
The Trump Campaign’s Collusion With Israel with the subhead: While US media fixated on Russian interference in the 2016 election, an Israeli secret agent's campaign to influence the outcome went unreported.
We discuss that subject often in this Substack and on my occasional Twitter spaces where I most recently described how I was targeted by an Israeli spy who tried to rape me when I was a young man.
And indeed Bamford’s contention that there are a number of Israeli intelligence operations conducting espionage on American soil without any consequences is entirely in keeping with my understanding of how things work in practice.
Part of the problem came from the top.
James Comey, who allegedly told future Clearview.AI Richard Schwartz then of the New York Daily News that he had been raped by a priest, had all the tells of a child abuse victim — an eagerness to please, an unwillingness to take responsibility, and above all, a socially avoidant streak. You’ll see — if you look closely — that a lot of child abuse victims make for ready recruits.
Before Comey was director of the FBI but after he worked at the Southern District Comey worked for Bridgewater making over $7 million a year, according to a new book by Rob Copeland. (Copeland, then at the Wall Street Journal, is who Johnathan Buma and I leaked the Musk and Kurganov story to.)
Nowadays Comey writes fiction books. Is this a payoff too? The IRS looked into it but seemingly didn’t find anything.
Among the more fascinating details:
When you understand that all of this misery in the Middle East started with film producer Arnon Milchan stealing US nuclear secrets and then he bribed Netanyahu to stay out of jail… and then turned on Bibi and Bibi got indicted…
Oh and did I mention that Milchan was a top propagandist and weapons dealer to apartheid South Africa? There’s something about how people who like oppressing other people stick together.
When you understand that Milchan was a member of Lekem, or the Bureau of Scientific Relations, do you understand what’s really going on here.
Milchan’s film production is an extension of his espionage service. His films are a master class in Likud obfuscation, rewriting of American history (especially the assassination of JFK), and predictive programming. It’s impossible to watch, say, Fight Club and not think about whether such a film was designed to cultivate the antisocial element so essential to Israeli subversion efforts in the United States.
Milchan produced The Lone Gunmen which predicted September 11th … in March 2001.
Lekem was also the military unit which handled Jonathan Pollard, a Jewish-American spy who spied for the Soviet Union and Israel. President Trump, working with Jared Kushner, pardoned Pollard’s handler Rafi Eitan in the final hours of his presidency. Netanyahu greeted Pollard at the airport.
President Biden knows a lot of this history and he rebuffed Obama efforts to release Pollard “over his dead body.” But does Biden have the courage to act against Netanyahu now? Or will he repeat history’s error of giving too much to the Crime Minister? His legacy and his presidency is in danger.
Last year I called for Yair Lapid to release all the material about Netanyahu’s involvement in September 11th and while I’m pleased that the U.S. administration released the involvement of Likud agent Reuben Efron in the assassination of JFK more work needs to be done.
It’s past time for Biden to start a presidential commission on Lekem activity within the United States, especially as concerns industrial espionage. Given my own experiences I’d gladly testify at such a commission — or chair it.

Israeli spy Milchan’s relationship with Robert De Niro is especially worth paying attention to given De Niro’s role in the new film, Killers of the Flower Moon. De Niro was actually filmed next to Milchan discussing Milchan’s years as an Israeli spy when Milchan ran his mouth in Israel about his work for Israeli military intelligence.
One gets the sense that there’s a bit of penance going on here when you think about De Niro’s tour in Killers of the Flower Moon as the mob boss killing off the Osage for their oil money.
Substitute the Native Americans for the Palestinians or Arabs and you get a lot of the way there. You’re also not supposed to look too closely at the role of Netanyahu or his Sackler friends at pushing the opioid crisis to genocide the rednecks.
Resource curse exists precisely because there are those who don’t work and those who work only too hard at taking that money away.
I think Bamford misses the mark when he doesn’t quite get how compromised the FBI is and why it’s compromised in the first place. To put it simply the FBI was staffed by the children and grandchildren of mobsters.
It’s not the incompetence of our intelligence services; it’s their complicity. It’s not that people don’t know what’s going on; it’s that they know all too well. Or as it was once explained to me it’s far better to be a pet of the Israeli interests than to be on the menu…
In my own case I was targeted by higher ups within the FBI and closed out because I reported on Israeli activity within the United States.
For a lot of FBI agents (or other law enforcement professionals) there’s a retirement plan embedded here. “Investigate and then go work for a rich guy.” In some cases this tactic might even a good idea. It might be helpful, for example, to embed law enforcement around a compromised individual merely to pay attention to who contacts them.
It’s not a coincidence that Special Agent Johnathan Buma and I worked on Musk’s ties to the Russians — only to find that Musk had compromised the FBI.
When the FBI asked for my help regarding Musk’s ties to organized crime-backed Igor Kurganov I learned that SpaceX’s PR lackey was Bill McCabe, son of Acting FBI director Andrew McCabe. The younger McCabe blocked all inquiries while the elder McCabe went to work for CNN.
There’s also the specter of the family McCabe’s ties to Oleg Deripaska who claims that the FBI shook him down for over $20 million to fund a Likud operation in Iran. In 2018, McCabe, the former acting and deputy director, was referred for prosecution after the Justice Department inspector general accused him of misleading investigators but no charges were ever brought.
Deripaska, meanwhile, provided a lot of the aluminum for Tesla. Deripaska has done lots of business with the Rothchilds and traveled with Nat Rothchild to Israel. He hired none other than Bill Barr and Charles McGonigal, the compromised head of FBI counterintelligence.
Isn’t it interesting how Clare Locke reps Deripaska… and Clearview.AI… and Christian Angermayer… and Matt Lauer… and NSO Group… and Adam Neumann? Israeli interesting, isn’t it? What should we make of the departures of four of the attorneys who worked there?
There’s a silver lining here, though.
As a lot of technologies get increasingly democratized the public as a whole will educate one another and by proxy, other nation’s intelligence services.
If the FBI doesn’t get it done, We the People will.
You might call this movement: “Counterintelligence R Us.”
I invite you to join it.
Among the worst places are the fronts that pretend to be journalistic organizations. These include Puck News which focuses on the “four corners” of American power Silicon Valley, Hollywood, Washington and Wall Street, BuzzFeed News, which recently dropped the pretense that it was ever news, and of course, Semafor, which is a Chisraeli front led by the treasonous Ben Smith.
We’ll have more on Puck et al. later but the first attempt at this kind of Israeli alt media was the Washington Free Beacon which was built a number of years ago by Israeli spy lobbyists like Michael Goldfarb. Goldfarb, for his part, acted as a kind of Israeli controller of John McCain during the 2008 election.
Alana Goodman, trained as she was in Israel, works for the Washington Free Beacon. (A slight hint: Whenever you see an organization like “American Greatness,” “The Federalist Society,” “Publius Fellowship,” etc., you can be sure that that’s a Chisraeli front.)
One of the more frustrating things about Michael Hayden and Hannah Gais is that they don’t seem to understand what’s really going on. They’ve bought into this fake “disinformation” beat which is really Chisraeli cover for ongoing operations or asset disposal.
They don’t seem to understand that their own organization — the Southern Poverty Law Center — was turned by U.S. intelligence when Morris Dees and Richard Cohen were forced out. I mean do you honestly think that the US and allied governments wasn’t going to notice the Southern Poverty Law Center’s ties to the Picouver (and therefore the Madoff) money?
Goodman, for her part, was tipped off concerning Anthony Weiner by Likud forces — something she told me at the time when she worked for the Daily Mail.
Here is Goodman is pictured with convicted child molestor (and pro-Israel journalist) James Meek and Cassandra Fairbanks. When I knew her she took me to a party at the home of Likud agent Lee Smith.
Johnson, for her part, worked for pro-Israel billionaire Paul Singer of Fusion GPS fame.
Both of them were investigating yours truly’s personal life (such as it is) after l’affair Gaetz broke at the direction of the Likud cell targeting Gaetz over his opposition to going to war in Iran.
Johnson’s father is Scott Johnson of Powerline Blog fame. Here he is seated with Netanyahu. That’s when he’s not running Likud influence operations against Rep. Ilhan Omar.
These Israeli networks are a direct attack on America’s sense making apparatus. They make self-government impossible.
It’s long past time to expose Team Jorge, the secret cell operating in Africa.
It’s time to go hard on Psy Group, which was interested in running a psychological war against Americans.
Sunlight is the best disinfectant … and it’s also the best counterintelligence measure.
Thor Halvorssen sounds like a real piece of work: chrome-extension://efaidnbmnnnibpcajpcglclefindmkaj/https://www.fosterpc.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/05/2018-05-10-Filed-Complaint-Halvorssenpdf.pdf
And someone really needs to look into his connections to sexual predator director Bryan Singer: https://www.hollywoodreporter.com/movies/movie-news/bryan-singer-tackling-sci-fi-778949/