You praise Leftist ideologue Tim Walz while accusing an authentic conservative in J. D. Vance of being an agent for a foreign power. Vance has been excellent on the war in Ukraine. The reality is that virtually no one on either side of the aisle in Congress dares to criticize Israel on any issue. The power of AIPAC was evident this week in the Democratic primary race in Missouri. Is every member of Congress an agent of Israel, or just making sure they don't incur the wrath of the Israeli lobby?

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You are a PutinIst traitor.

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Chuck you red faced rascal.

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Aug 7·edited Aug 7

I thought is was because you are a piece of shit. After reading your nonsense, I still think I'm right.

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Keyboard Warrior

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Aug 8·edited Aug 8

INteresting how Walz's view of History and Mass Murders merited mention of the Muslim Turks killing the Armenians and Communist Khmer Rouge murdering fellow Cambodians -- He left out Ho Chi MInh in Vietnam, but still nothing compared to Rockefeller's man, Mao Tse Tung in China, and Joseph Stalin in USSR. Hitler hated Communists. The Jews that were Communists in Germany were enemies. Many of those Jews were leaders in the USSR Revolution, and some were from Germany. Prosperous Germany was decimated to end Nationalism in Europe and to convince Jews of the need to demand their own Homeland in Israel, and Rothschild had already purchased the land in Palestine before WW1. After WW2 ended in 1945, with the Allied Occupation, the Official Holocaust Narrative had to be created, codified and taught to children in school. Lots of civilians in Germany died of starvation along with those in the Work Camps -- it only got worse in the punishing occupation. The official death count was horrific, but nowhere near 6 million. Don't know when this was all finalized, but do know that you will go to prison for violating this law if it makes it to court. When one Group's feelings are more important than than anyone else's, your own "Free and Independent America is in the greatest of danger. Many States and our Federal Govt. have passed laws against "Anti-Semitism." Who is wagging our Dog so hard to get that last WW?

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ILY Charles ❤️

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