
Thanks Hunter!

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I love this One Charles! This is wonderfully written and I always say it’s a love attraction (sort of) when you have a writer that can articulate your suspicions of these insights of corruption and btw I tried to follow u entirely on that Lincoln quote. Must’ve been the in the group of quotes I missed from him over the years. Either way I think I understood your position defining the reply with that quote.. least I’m not repetitively wondering at the capacity I was reading through the “genomic sequencing” post! Thx for taking the time. I know the traveling is rough for ya even still a weekend. Keep driving away at that inspiration rock to embolden ppl like us

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Wendy Deng, matchmaker ! Who knew? What is she up to now? Must investigate........

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Minor typo: "In one photo, Kushner with Jared at the World Cup."

I think you meant Kushner with Musk.

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