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"Isn’t IVF against church teaching? Indeed it is. Lots of things are against Church teaching and, I think it’s our duty as Catholics to reconcile modernity and the Church."

If it's wrong it's wrong. The Church (before Pope Francis anyway) has been consistent going back to the Didachae saying only natural reproduction is licit and both abortion and contraception are wrong. Under Pope Benedict the nuanced doctrine was one could do such things as take pro-fertility drugs, but IVF was immoral first because it leads to discarding many fertilized ova -- babies; second because it gets around the natural process God requires. See Onan's sin.

"Galileo was a heretic in his time, wasn’t [he]?" Actually, the Galileo affair is more nuanced. For one thing, his holding the planets revolve in circles was wrong; Kepler showed it's elipses. See Stanley Jaki's "Galileo's Lessons," a short booklet; there's a review of it on Amazon.

"The Church must adapt with modern scientific advancement, especially considering the modern miracle of IVF helps produce more people, which is a basic component of a Catholic marriage." It's not a basic component if God doesn't want it the natural way. Infertility for married people is a tragedy, a Cross they must bear, but doing so inspires the rest of us in bearing our own Crosses. And see demographer Ed Dutton on how IVF is dysgenic: https://twitter.com/jollyheretic/status/1317388057348313088

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