The Mobster, the Consigliere, and the Judge
How Harlan Crow, Leonard Leo, and Clarence Thomas sold out America while pretending to love her
Whenever I find myself pursuing some upper middle class (or middle class) pursuit I remind myself of this saying. I mutter a few things to myself from time to time.
Here’s the latest: “Upper middle class people go to court. Rich people own the Court.”
Recently I sued all the way to the Supreme Court — just as I promised I would. I sued BuzzFeed News and as you may know, BuzzFeed News recently announced it was being shuttered.
My suit was a libel matter and there were very compelling issues at hand. In essence, can you sue an online business where you’re defamed?
This is particularly an important case because your defamation can be used to stop you from raising money for important deep state projects — just as my smearing was. Both foreign intelligence and your local mob like to use defamation to steal assets from people. Indeed it’s not a surprise that Joel Greenberg and his family are being sued under civil RICO and that much of what Greenberg is alleged to have done constitutes a defamation.
The reason you want to sue based upon where the reputational damage is done is because many of the courts where these online businesses are based — San Francisco and New York — are deeply compromised and controlled. Once upon a time we had loose libel laws because if you were smeared in Denver you could move to Dover but alas, the Internet makes that impossible. The calumny follows you.
Though I didn’t know it at the time there have been quite a number of foreign countries monitoring me and my investments, particularly as they tend to strength the security of the United States. This intelligence is then leaked to sympathetic publications — BuzzFeed, Huffington Post, chief among them — where the standard of due diligence is a lot less than at the Washington Post, New York Times, Bloomberg, or Wall Street Journal. There’s a reason Andreessen Horowitz was an investor in BuzzFeed as former Andreessen Horowitz partner Balaji Srinavasan told me. The Silicon Valley and its foreign backers want to reduce the cultural power of the prestige media. Think about that.
Anyway, my case split the 5th Circuit not along ideological lines. “I ain’t never seen a split like that,” said a long time legal friend from Louisiana. OK then.
Various conservative figures told me if I wanted my case to be taken to the Supreme Court I “needed to get right with Leonard Leo.” I had assumed that Leonard Leo and I had fallen out on my insufficient religiosity but a friend later informed me that it was because he suspected me of being a federal informant. He was apparently very afraid of me. I still don’t know why but I suspect it has something to do with his ties to Barre Seid, the pro-Israel oligarch with Chinese ties who I once had occasion to meet.
Still another friend — this one a former congressman! — recommended reaching out to Ginni Thomas to give her husband a head’s up. I laughed at the time but my case wasn't reviewed — that’s no great shock — but I do wonder what would have happened if I had done the backdoor as some of my friends suggested.
Would I have been complicit in warping the Court in a corrupt way? Or merely playing the game as it is? Is it wrong to use the wrong means to undo wrongs that were done to you?
I didn’t go down that path and I shouldn’t have gone down it but do I think about it a lot? Absolutely.
You’re supposed to believe the hoopla and hype around Justice Thomas and I confess to loving the story of the Wal-Mart camping Justice who attends NASCAR rallies. I want very much to believe in a country where the descendant of slaves can become a Supreme Court justice. In fact, sucker that I am, I even bought copies of Thomas’s book back when I didn’t have very much money at all. Yeah, it feels bad.
Some friends helpfully noted that Tramell Crow, Harlan Crow’s father, had ties to the Chinese. Crow kept a lot of Chinese art in his home as well.
You can also see how Crow saved his father’s empire and especially the beloved Dallas Market Center. Note how he kept a hotel, painting, and cement businesses.
What’s up with that? And how do we account for the mob-like tactics?
Why does the Crow family have an interest in gambling? And why has Harlan Crow in particular donated so much to see to it that slot machines are approved?
Of course there are many reasons why you’d want to have a Supreme Court justice as your friend but none of them are particularly appealing unless you’re a mobster.
The mobster gets social proof. He gets a certain kind of protection. The consigliere gets to be in the middle of it all, ferrying people to and fro, trading in information.
And indeed Crow gets to have the trappings of intelligence already around him. A rich kid, he flunked out of college his first year. He gets all these conservatives defending him and protecting him. I’ve come to believe that many of the monopolists and mobsters in our society buy politicians or pundits the way they buy courts.
What I suspect is really going on is that Justice Clarence Thomas is being made an example of so that the other Justices and other judges might not rule in such a compromised manner.
Sure enough, we saw late Friday night that while Justice Thomas and Alito sought to deny cert, the Supreme Court protected the right to an abortion pill.
Maybe the judge, the mobster, and the consigliere are being sent a message by the Deep State?