The January 6th Pardon Op Explored: Chisraeli Mob Lawyer Spies And The Setup and Smearing Of Congressman Matt Gaetz
Look closely at the players who testify and what alternate motives they might have
The recent “revelation”— if it can even be called that — that Congressman Matt Gaetz asked President Donald Trump for a blanket pardon— rests on the word of an Israeli spy lawyer who represented a Ukrainian gangster and peddled hacked information from Hunter Biden, a glorified intern turned ambitious executive assistant, and the former head of PPO who is credibly accused himself of selling pardons and receiving bribes whilst his underlings offered federal jobs to women they wanted to bed.

That PPO head’s father works for the MGM, the same Chisraeli casino outfit owned by Barry Diller, who, just so happens to own the Daily Beast, the tabloid that’s been targeting Gaetz for months after the failed Chisraeli effort to compromise the ambitious congressman and ensnare his family over a weird plot to bring back a dead FBI agent.
We will get into all of that in just a moment.
A few years ago a Chisraeli operative and spy offered Matt Gaetz a “booze cruise” with lots of women and Florida Sunshine. After Gaetz brought the subject up with me the congressman wisely turned it down… and then all his troubles began. Knowing that Gaetz turned down the attempt to Epstein him is key, especially as a judge sentenced Ghislaine Maxwell to twenty years in prison.
By way of disclaimer I’m as ready as anyone to turn the page on President Donald Trump and his compromised presidency — #JailJared — but still it is still important to show that many of the people who are testifying have quite a number of motives that are altogether unexplored.
Did you not know, for instance, that Judge J. Michael Luttig took the extraordinarily rare step of leaving a lifetime appointment to the federal bench at the appellate level to work for scandal plagued Boeing which was, at the time, embroiled in the Dmitro Firtash titanium market fixing scheme and the 737Max crash disasters — crashes which just so coincidentally took place in Chinese-compromised Ethiopia and Indonesia?
Or that Boeing’s attorney are the increasingly notorious Perkins Coies, home to the Clinton Foundation and the DNC attorneys who worked for Putin (and Chisraeli) subcontractors Fusion GPS?
Could it be that many of the people who testified before the January 6th committee are, in fact, saving their own skins? And that the whole committee is a sort of pageant? A scripted affair?
What’s altogether interesting is how the January 6th committee is presuming that merely asking for a pardon is tantamount to having committed a crime. If you’re not guilty then you wouldn't ask for a pardon, the thinking goes. In remarks at the end of Thursday’s hearing, Rep. Adam Kinzinger (R-IL) said, “The only reason you ask for a pardon is if you think you’ve committed a crime.”
But that’s sloppy thinking. Ask for a pardon is no different functionally from asking for immunity in court (which is presumably what all the January 6th testifiers have been granted).
It may also be wise to ask for a pardon if you believe the FBI to be corrupt.
If you believe the FBI to be corrupt as it often is — just ask the targets of J. Edgar Hoover — there’s nothing wrong about asking for a presidential pardon to protect yourself from malicious prosecution. In fact the presidential pardon is a constitutional means of protecting yourself from a foreign compromised law enforcement apparatus. And be under no illusions when I tell you that the FBI, along with the CIA, is a compromised institution. (There are efforts to fix that that are ongoing, of course.)
Moreover, if there was anything wrong with asking for a presidential pardon would Matt Gaetz have made the argument that Trump should pardon everyone on television?
Nor is objecting to the electors for President Joe Biden — a president I thoroughly support — indicative necessarily of anything other than a disagreement with how the election was conducted. Objections are a tried and true manner of exercising a protest vote over a disputed election. We should ask ourselves why we tend to have so many such elections and what can be done to reform the process. Members of Congress from both parties have for decades been objecting to the conduct of elections. No less an American luminary than Thomas Alva Edison pointed out just that when he, failing to find buyers for his automated vote counter, sagely noted that Americans prefer to have the election and then decide the results. This haggling over votes is what democracy looks like.
Now Gaetz’s repeated targeting by compromised federal agents and foreign assets is an example of the hidden blackmail dangers that exist to members of Congress who seek to represent their constituents. Frankly even writing about what has happened to him makes me worried that I might be next but some things are more important than my own safety.
Let me also be clear when I don’t necessarily blame the Israelis for targeting Gaetz (though that is a crime). For what it’s worth, I like the new government in Israel very much. That shame for targeting Gaetz rests entirely with the Netanyahu government which sought to make an example of him and to protect their asset — Governor Ron DeSantis — whom they feared Gaetz might defeat as Trump’s heir apparent.
If Israel’s new government with its new prime minister wants to show the world perhaps they can begin by turning over the Netanyahu-backed
Be better friends, guys. After all aren’t you supposed to be Our Greatest Ally?
Prove it. Declassify what Netanyahu and crew knew about 9/11 before it happened. It’s time.
Johnny McEntee, who I know a bit, is the son of a Hollywood agent that works with the casinos. McEntee couldn’t get a security clearance because he was blowing thousands of dollars at the MGM — a casino coincidentally plugged into Chinese intelligence.
I also met McEntee’s mother and father when they were biking by me in Newport Beach. McEntee’s mother even offered to set me up with Eliot Broidy’s daughter. Broidy would later be arrested and convicted and later pardoned by Donald Trump. Did McEntee help with that pardon? We don’t know.
McEntee’s time at PPO was extremely controversial, to put it mildly. The PPO wasn’t sending their best candidates into the White House in the waning days of the Trump Administration. McEntee hired his young friends and, as one senior White House official said, "the most beautiful 21-year-old girls you could find," including Instagram influencers and a dance instructor. (Say was Cassidy Hutchinson one such person?)
Here’s how Jonathan Karl described it in a piece for The Atlantic, “The Man Who Made January 6th Possible,”
McEntee and his enforcers made the disastrous last weeks of the Trump presidency possible. They backed the president’s manic drive to overturn the election, and helped set the stage for the January 6 assault on the Capitol. Thanks to them, in the end, the elusive “adults in the room”—those who might have been willing to confront the president or try to control his most destructive tendencies—were silenced or gone. But McEntee was there—bossing around Cabinet secretaries, decapitating the civilian leadership at the Pentagon, and forcing officials high and low to state their allegiance to Trump.
In addition to very hot young women, McEntee and his team helped a lot of Peter Thiel’s allies get into the government. As one does, I suppose.
Later Thiel invested $1.5 million in McEntee’s startup — The Right Stuff — which weirdly only launches in Washington D.C. (Is it collecting kompromat for young conservatives, I wonder?)
Is this investment with McEntee a bribe? It sure looks that way. Peter Thiel is a fan of corruption, once telling Maureen Dowd, “[t]here’s a point where no corruption can be a bad thing. It can mean that things are too boring.”
Watch this space, as they say, especially Peter Thiel’s ties to the Federalist Society and to Leonard Leo.
Moving along, let’s examine Congresswoman Liz Cheney’s interrogation of Cassidy Hutchinson, the executive assistant to Mark Meadows.
First, we should note that the Cheney family has a long history of criminal conduct. Matt Gaetz repeatedly and emphatically called them out on that. He has even gone to Wyoming to campaign against them — his first time in the state.
Gaetz believes that Cheney should be defeated in the Wyoming and the polling would suggest that he’s not alone in believing this. Given that my beloved grandmother was from Cheyenne Wyoming (and so was her father, my namesake, Charles Carlisle) — and that Cheney announced her bid from McLean, a property purchased from the blood money her family made from the Iraq war — I, too, take umbrage. This is a crime family as numerous accounts made clear when they were getting their no bid contracts for Halliburton and Liz was very much in on it.
Adam Kinzinger also has bad blood with Matt Gaetz. Gaetz stopped Kinzinger from becoming Secretary of the Air Force. Kinzinger nursed a grudge and January 6th has given him occasion to exercise his resentments.
Kinzinger, long dogged by rumors of being homosexual and totally in the pocket of the Ukraine lobby, and Israeli agent, billionaire Barre Seid, is rumored to hate Gaetz’s joyful, open lifestyle. Kinzinger’s own family has turned on him.
Who could blame Kinzinger? Matt’s living a free life. Can Kinzinger say the same?
In some sense I don’t much blame Kinzinger. He saw what happened to his colleague Aaron Schock. It’s better to play along. Kinzinger got an assigned foreign-born wife, who he married in Guatemala, and they even have a child.
I guess she’s doing the job American women won’t do. Good on Aaron Schock for keeping his dignity and his integrity.
The Cheney crime family has profited immensely from its ties to Washington, DC and to the war lobby. You can almost hear the coaching Liz Cheney has for Cassidy Hutchinson.
Could you fault an ambitious young person from wanting to get in on the grift?
Cassidy Hutchinson is just such a person, having interned for Senator Ted Cruz and Rep. Steve Scalise, before she found her way to Mark Meadows.
Here’s how her alma mater describes her experience before she won a coveted Washington internship:
After graduation, Hutchinson plans to head back to the nation's capital to continue her burgeoning political career. "I'm keeping every opportunity at my fingertips and am open to any job that comes my way," she says. "I am confident I will be an effective leader in the fight to secure the American dream for future generations, so they too will have the bountiful opportunities and freedoms that make the United States great."
Hutchinson went to work for Chief of Staff Mark Meadows, a thoroughly crazed and craven man. I have long hated Mark Meadows, who in my judgment, should never have been in the White House.
The enmity is mutual, I’m told. I caught him lying about me, to me, around me, repeatedly and enthusiastically. I sincerely wonder if he is even capable of honesty or if he is one of those sociopaths you so often read about outside of the Beltway where you so often meet them.
Subsequent revelations that Meadows was lying about where he lived hasn’t surprised me in the slightest. Watching him be exposed has been nothing short of delightful.
To Hutchinson’s credit she fired her mobbed up attorney Stefan Passantino — who, along with Eric Herschmann, peddled hacked data from Hunter Biden — and replaced him with a partner from Alston & Bird. (Full disclosure: Alston & Bird represents me in my litigation against Clearview.Ai).
That switcheroo was, of course, on the eve of her hearing so we should be asking real questions about how tainted her testimony was and whether she would be saying the same thing were it not before Passantino got a look at a lot of the questions the committee was going to ask.
Given how often Hutchinson went to bat for Herschmann — the partner of Passantino — it is worth asking.
Here’s what her first attorney was up to. (If you can believe Ben Smith, formerly of the New York Times, that is.)
The three [Herschmann, Stefan Passantino, and Arthur Schwartz] had pinned their hopes for re-electing the president on a fourth guest, a straight-shooting Wall Street Journal White House reporter named Michael Bender. They delivered the goods to him there: a cache of emails detailing Hunter Biden’s business activities, and, on speaker phone, a former business partner of Hunter Biden’s named Tony Bobulinski. Mr. Bobulinski was willing to go on the record in The Journal with an explosive claim: that Joe Biden, the former vice president, had been aware of, and profited from, his son’s activities. The Trump team left believing that The Journal would blow the thing open and their excitement was conveyed to the president.
But they ultimately didn’t get that hacked material placed in the Wall Street Journal, much to their chagrin.
Was the Israeli hacking tool Pegasus used to target Hunter Biden? Was it used to target Matt Gaetz? Of course it was.
Sometimes a photo reveals a lot.

There he is — Arthur Schwartz — lurking and lying in wait.
As I noted above and repeat here few years ago an Israeli spy — that very Arthur Schwartz — offered Matt Gaetz a “booze cruise” with lots of women and Florida Sunshine. After Gaetz brought the subject up with me the congressman wisely turned it down… and then all his troubles began.
It’s no secret that the congressman was a bachelor who enjoyed his private life — he wrote about in his book, Firebrand — and that isn’t illegal, at least not yet.
But it is a vector of attack. In the #MeToo era, consenting adults are always one step removed from false accusations. I advised Gaetz to get married and, in short order, he met the love of his life and they were married.
Schwartz, who works for Zionist Organization of America (ZOA), was hoping Gaetz would willingly get himself compromised so that he might be their guy in the same way that DeSantis, or Graham, or Cotton are their guys. But Gaetz didn’t go for it. In fact Gaetz voted against Prime Minister Bibi Netanyahu’s war effort in Iran — one of only three Republicans to do so. Gaetz earned the enmity of the Israeli lobby then but he had buried one too many of his constituents not to do the right thing.
Lest there be any doubt about what ZOA is, recall that there have no fewer than seven different attempts to force it to register under FARA. One of their ZOA’s largest supporters — Steve Wynn — was forced to register as an agent of China.
Schwartz, unlike Gaetz, was subpoenaed by the January 6th committee. He has given no indiction as to why.
Was Schwartz always a Trump fan? Not quite. He repeatedly and enthusiastically trashed the Trumps in direct messages before Trump won in 2016. Grenell was recalled as ambassador to Germany right around the same time as he met with Wirecard COO Jan Marsalek and Christian Angermayer, who acts as a sort of European Jeffrey Epstein figure, middle manning between Merkel’s government and Russian and Chinese intelligence.
Had Gaetz gone for compromise, it wouldn’t have been terribly surprising. This is, after all, the way politicians (and journalists and movie stars and venture capitalists and…) have their careers elevated — they agree to become the pet of some foreign intelligence. But Gaetz is no pet. He is “unbought, unbossed, and unbowed” to borrow his family’s slogan.
So having not gone for it, the Israelis decided to burn Gaetz. (Gaetz had been friends with Joel Greenberg who faces a number of mob-related criminal charges and who will be sentenced in August.)
Gaetz found himself the target of both a compromised DOJ and spies. How Israeli compromised is the FBI and the DOJ under Trump? Very.

Remember the DOJ spent $5 million on Pegasus and the number three at the Justice Department — Federalist Society member Rod Rosenstein — now represents NSO Group, the hacking outfit which targeted Hunter Biden and American congressmen and foreign assets. This is simply unacceptable.
Keep that in mind, as it is important when we turn to Eric Herschmann’s ties to Israeli intelligence and to his involvement representing Donald Trump in his first impeachment. Are we really supposed to believe that Herschmann isn’t selling Gaetz down the river to save his own skin? A Kasowitz attorney, plugged into a dodgy Israeli wine scandal and Ambassador Friedman?
Into that maelstrom, you should also throw Gaetz’s father, Don Gaetz, who was a powerful president of the Florida Senate. Gaetz’s father was targeted by these cretins and had even worn a wire to expose their blackmail of the Gaetz family over trying to secure Bob Levinson from Iran.
Only then did the deeply compromised New York Times — Katie Benner, naturally — report that Gaetz was under investigation, foiling any attempt to jail the Israeli actors who were trying to blackmail a seated congressman. Nevertheless one of the players in that blackmail — Steve Alford — was indicted.
Several of Alford’s accomplices remain at large. For now.