Musk, Bibi, Max Tegmark, and Open AI president/cofounder Greg Brockman
Oh did I call it or what!?
Yesterday I said that Sam Altman was trying to mess about with software chips.
Today Bloomberg reports just that Sam Altman was trying to mess about with software chips. But in Joe Biden’s CHIPS Act America you don’t mess about with chips!
This is what is called an instacall in the poker parlance.
Let’s tuck in:
Altman has been traveling to the Middle East to fundraise for the project, which was code-named Tigris, the people said. The OpenAI chief executive planned to spin up an AI-focused chip company…
Oh my!
Do you fools really think that nonprofit boards don’t have spies on them? I mean that’s a strong stance to take!
We’re in an anti-cult mood in the United States. We live in an age where cults are exploding every which way.
Joe Lewis’s assets got blown up in Florida.
The sketchy Mormon fund got uncovered.
Musk lost all his ads and partnered up with the very compromised Anti-Defamation League
Thiel was outed as an FBI informant, was forced from middle manning with the Russians and the Israelis, and now is moving toward the U.S.-UK alliance.
Uncle Joe is talking about sanctioning the settlers in the West Bank. If he does, you can expect that a lot of the Jewish-Americans who finance those operations will start to have problems in America too.
High interest rates gives us the low down. No malarkey please!
Now add the AI cult to the list and you’re getting there.
But whose cult dis is? I submit to you that it is Bibi’s.
We’ve already talked about MIT professor Max Tegmark’s weird connections to the self-driving car scam and to Lex Fridman who helped murder Americans on the road with the Tesla fraud and how Musk might have paid for that op.
Open AI is seemingly proceeding apace with the same Tesla bullshit.
It’s worth reading this stuff to believe it (in the Israeli press):
In a recent discussion with Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, OpenAI President Greg Brockman expressed his belief that 2029 will see the emergence of artificial general intelligence (AGI) — AI that reaches and then far surpasses human-level intelligence. He further stated that in 2030, humanity and artificial intelligence will merge.
Brockman — whose company OpenAI is widely understood to be the most advanced AI project in the world — made these comments during a panel discussion that included Netanyahu, Elon Musk and MIT physicist Max Tegmark. As they gathered to discuss the future of AI, much of the conversation orbited around two possible futures: A future extinction of mankind, and a future “heaven” in which AGI eliminates poverty, hunger, and sickness and mankind merges with machines.
Brockman acknowledged the major risks in creating AGI but told the rest of the panel that it is this “heaven” that his company is working to bring about.
“I think this whole arc, in my mind, is all about paradigm shift, right?” Brockman said. “And I think that, even the question of what would that heaven, post-AGI, positive future look like? I think even that is hard for us to imagine what the true upside could be.”
Brockman went on to name one thinker, in particular, who he believes best understands the future of AI.
“The thinker who I think had the best foresight about how the AI revolution was going to play out is actually Ray Kurzweil,” he argued, with Musk immediately expressing his agreement.
Kurzweil, a Jewish author and inventor who currently works as a director of engineering at Google, is a famous transhumanist, most known for his books predicting “the Singularity.”
“His book Singularity is Near gets, like, a lot of shit,” Brockman went on to say.
“I think that people, you know, kind of assume it’s going to be this…religious text, but it’s instead a very dry, analytical text. And he just looks at the compute curves, and he says this is the fundamental un-locker of intelligence. Everyone thought that was crazy, and now it’s basically true — it’s basically common wisdom. And part of what he says is, 'Look, what’s going to happen is in 2030 — first of all he says AGI: 2029.”
Here Musk again interjected: “Yeah. I keep telling people, it seems to be almost exactly right.”
“It’s spooky. It’s spooky,” Brockman continued. “2030 is when the merge happens. So we’ve got Neuralink coming. And uh, you know, maybe other systems like that. And what does it mean once you actually are kind of merging with an intelligence?”
While Musk said he believed his brain-computer interfaces — which are being developed through his company Neuralink — may not be quite ready for Kurzweil’s 2030 prediction, he agreed that humanity is on the doorstep of the “singularity.”
“You know, sometimes digital superintelligence is called, like, a singularity — like a black hole. Because just like with a black hole, it’s difficult to predict what happens after you pass the event horizon..." he said.
"And we are currently circling the event horizon of the black hole that is digital superintelligence.”
I confess to having been enamored of Ray Kurzweil when I was in high school. (His daughter was a few years ahead of me at prep school and I was more smitten by her than him.)
“Heaven on earth”? Oh dear. This is cult talk — apocalyptic stuff.
Did you honestly think that we’d let a puppet of Netanyahu run America’s AI policy?
Or that we’d continue to let him have a say in our technology stack?
For all your talk of AI there’s already a superior intelligence here on Earth. It’s called the Central Intelligence Agency and while far from perfect it certainly goes a long way to protect us from foreign spies and frauds.
There have been and will always be cults promising “heaven on earth” but you shall know the truth and it shall set you free.
Did we forget that there was a CIA man on the board of Open AI? Oh, you thought he was the only spy on the board? How cute!
Will Hurd saw some things…
Goofy ahhhh
Chuck you constantly misprounounce "Milchan".