Is Joe Rogan Being Blackmailed? The Podcaster's Weird Friends, Mobbish Family and Personal Secrets
I recently discussed Joe Rogan’s biological father on a Twitter space and how I had been told by some of my Boston Irish mob sources that Rogan’s father was Italian mob. Apparently one of these old Irish guys had seen me on Joe Rogan’s show and had questions about Rogan and about me.
Now I see that the mob press tabloid press has noted that Rogan’s half-sisters (who are also twins) Rosa Rogan Lunelli and Bridge Rogan Carselda are upset about how Joe Rogan senior has been described by Joe Rogan the younger as abusive. Ms. Lunelli says that the elder Rogan and his family find this “extremely hurtful.”
Elsewhere we learn that the elder Joe Rogan was a cop in Harrison, New Jersey — a known mob hang out spot. I’m not saying Rogan Senior is mob but I’m also not saying he isn’t.
Could someone who lacked a father figure have gravitated toward unhealthy examples of masculinity? Well... let me suggest that he just might.
What to make of all of this? A friend writes in today with a theory, which I have lightly edited. I’m keeping that friend anonymous but I can out him if he wants.
We’ve erstwhile gone into the weird relationship Alex Jones has with the Israelis and discussed it two separate places.
Rogan has been a good friend of Alex Jones since about 1999, back in the day that Jones broke into the Bohemian Grove with Jon Ronson and was rebuilding David Koresh's church at Waco. He went into more detail when Ronson was on his podcast on July 6, 2015. Some quotes about this from that podcast since around the 20m mark:
"We [Alex Jones and I] kinda helped launch each other [with the Bohemian Grove videotape]"
"That's when I met him. I met him in '98. ... Alex gave me this on VHS tape [this Bohemian Grove infiltration of yours], by the way, back in 1999 or whenever you guys actually made a tape out of it."
"I met Harry Shearer. Yes [of the Simpsons]. He was the only person who went to Bohemian Grove who was willing to, like, talk to me about it after we left. And he said he was invited, these were his words, "to Jew the place up." There were not enough Jews there. And he said it was kind of ridiculous."
Let's take these guys at their word, they "infiltrated" an admittedly WASP gathering to "Jew the place up"-- perhaps Joe and Alex have been there to do the same thing in their own way. Who exactly organized this entire thing? The answer to this question reveals what network created the careers of Alex Jones and Joe Rogan from their very start in the 1990s.
Another very close friend of Rogan is "comedian" and "mixed martial arts enthusiast" Bryan Callen, also a frequent guest on the JRE. In fact, Joe has referred to Bryan as his brother and he is perhaps Joe's most enduring friend since the 1990s, it seems perhaps even before he met Alex Jones.
Callen, like Joe and Alex, likes to talk about conspiracy theories, especially those involving 9/11, and people have noticed he has the most bizarre knowledge of geopolitics of any "comedian." Nothing suspicious about that, it's not like Bryan Callen is the son of an international banker that worked closely with the Saudis, including people that funded the 9/11 terror attacks--oh, he is?
"In Saudi Arabia, Mr. Callen was Senior Advisor to the Chairman of The National Commercial Bank, the largest bank in the Middle East. [...] Mr. Callen was the first Managing Director and CEO of Saudi American Bank (SAMBA) in Riyadh."
Here’s the full bio.
Bryan is co-host of the podcast The Fighter and the Kid, alongside Brendan Schaub, another close friend of Rogan over his podcast years. (Make a note that you can find a series of Callen and Schaub basically talking about how gay they both are.)
Bryan Callen also played a corrupt banker on How I Met Your Mother where he accuses one of the characters of making “our friends, the North Koreans, look bad”. Not sure it’s relevant, but I’m curious now who wrote that line.
Rogan is also an old protege of Jeff Zucker and owes a large part of his career to him. Zucker has been among the biggest names in broadcasting for over 30 years. He is credited with the long-running success of NBC’s Today show, and he turned Joe Rogan and Donald Trump into TV stars by green-lighting Fear Factor and The Apprentice. Though both Rogan and Trump have turned on Zucker eventually, it seems. Zucker left NBC to take over CNN in 2013.

Joe has played this strange role as a host of both the most prominent conspiracy theorists and debunkers of the same theories, creating this whole bizarre dialectic, the effect of which is to basically divide and confuse anyone wanting to look into these things. Much of Mick West's popularity, for example, is due to appearances on the JRE, again about debating 9/11 conspiracies.
Probably the most controversial podcast Rogan ever did was with Callen and Peter Duesberg about how AIDS doesn't exist or that HIV doesn't cause it. As we know, AIDS (or GRIDS, originally) is a great concern in specific communities. Another notable episode is the first one with Mick West which launched him into prominence--they talked about 9/11, and Callen was also present, though I'm not sure if he disclosed his father's involvement in Saudi's funding the attacks.
In a 2016 episode, Sam Harris on the Joe Rogan Experience c. 2:36:30: "Glenn Greenwald and I had a brief personal exchange by email where he actually did me a favor, which was great, and that links up with this conspiracy thing. So I have someone in my life who is very close to me who is a 9/11 conspiracy guy. A member of my family who is a very bright guy, but who is a conspiracy guy. So I fought with him about this for years, so every six months it blows up and we'll have a two hour email exchange. And I have tried to debunk this. And one idea I had about debunking this is, I noticed he had a few liberal writers that he admired. And Glenn Greenwald was at the top of the list. And I knew that Glenn Greenwald couldn't be a 9/11 conspiracy guy. So I reached out to Glenn. I had never met Glenn. And I said, "Will you do me a favor? Just tell me in a short little essay why you don't believe any of this stuff. You seem to align with a lot of these conspiracy concerns, the overreach of power, NSA wiretapping, and why is it that somebody in your position is not at all attracted by this 9/11 Truth nonsense?"
When one considers that Rogan's best friend, Bryan Callen, has a direct line to the top of the Saudi banking, and Jones' own ties to various domestic and foreign intelligence services, not to mention the possible ties to Adnan Khashoggi, one has to ask—what exactly are these two actually doing here? Was this whole 9/11 conspiracy stuff and subsequent selective debunking of it by people like Sam Harris an op from the start?
In 2016 and 2017, Dave Rubin (ex-TYT) also appeared on the Joe Rogan Experience podcast, complaining about Cenk Uygur's irrational and disingenuous handling of a debate with Sam Harris about Islam. Harris also extensively "debunked" 9/11 conspiracy theories on the podcast, and made a real point of it, and even said his good friend (and former Iraq war supporter) Glenn Greenwald helped him with that at one point. It's almost like all these people are coordinated or something about this 9/11 stuff--one wonders why they kept talking about it so much. Thaddeus Russell, who is currently close to Yarvin, has been on Joe Rogan's podcast as well, as has Michael Malice, a close associate of Alexei Fedotov (Lex Fridman) and also close to Yarvin.
But how exactly did Joe get into this very Likud-connected crowd? The answer might be with another person that was critical in launching Joe Rogan's media career—Howard Stern. A good video was done on Joe's relationship with Stern which is now almost completely memoryholed as clips from his appearances on the Stern show are almost impossible to find. What's most interesting about is about why he and Stern had a falling out despite Stern helping him out so much--their interactions got increasingly bizarre over the years with Stern pulling various stunts, the core point of which was that Stern kept talking about how Joe "hates women," which is kind of a weird thing to say and keep bringing up for years and wanting him to go deeper into. And why would something like this even be an issue in Stern's shock jock culture where basically everyone tries to say the most outrageous things all the time? Something like misogynistic jokes are relatively tame, certainly not something to permanently destroy a friendship over.
Well, it turns out that wasn't actually the reason Joe doesn't want to have anything to do with Stern ever again, despite partially owing his eventual prominence to him. Stern makes it clear that he likes Joe and wanted to get him back on the show for years but Joe doesn't want to hear it because Stern once made "an observation in private" about Joe. What kind of "observation" in private could possibly blow up the relationship between the largest radio host of all time and the largest podcaster of all time, especially when considering what was said and done on air between them? Well, you can hear in the previously linked video that one of Joe's co-hosts let it slip: "he said you were gay."
Oh, is that what he meant by "hating women?"
An almost identical episode took place between Joe Rogan and John Mcafee, another earlier guest on the JRE. Joe would break ties with Mcafee, again claiming it was something he said on the podcast, but John makes it clear that it was in fact something he said to Joe in private, something about a "part of Joe's life" he has no right to make public, something involving gay orgies, apparently. Ok.
People have suspected Joe was gay (or something like that), as this blog post from Jan, 2005 indicates, for pretty much his entire career. The more you read this long post about Joe explaining how he's definitely not gay the more you're convinced that he's definitely gay...And when Joe later says, quite seriously, that he can perform oral sex on himself, this doesn't exactly help quell these rumors.
Many have noted that Joe's interest in mixed martial arts seems to be rather gay with him fawning over various fighter's physiques. But, you might think, UFC is such a macho sport--there's no way gay guys would be into a bunch of buff naked dudes wrestling with each other, right? Nor would the UFC have actually gay pornstars among its fighters, like Dakota Cochrane, for example.
But things took a much weirder and darker turn when Cenk Uyghur and Ana Kasparian openly said Joe was a "groomer" and "pedophile." They really should be quoted here:
“Look, I don’t know how many children Joe Rogan might have molested,” Uygur said. “I don’t know why he’s covering it up so much. But people have a right to know — how much of a groomer and pedophile is Joe Rogan?”
“If you’re the trans person or several people that slept with Joe Rogan, can you let us know? Because it’s obvious that it’s personal for him. Hey Joe, you slept with a person like that — there’s nothing wrong with it, get over it. Get over it. Get over it, Joe!” Uygur yelled. “It’s super obvious that you’re super into trans people, and you’re taking it out — the hatred of yourself on them and you’re making their life dangerous!” Uygur concluded.
Many strange things about this discussion. Firstly, both Cenk and Ana have been close to Rogan for years, and both appeared on the JRE (though they have also appeared on RT, without going into too much detail about who's behind the TYT network or the Justice Democrats). But, secondly, after the accusations were made, it was, of all people, Glenn Greenwald that confronted them about this claim of Rogan being gay. (Glenn, as previously mentioned in his connection to Sam Harris, is himself, of course, gay, but also a gay pornographer with connections to Brazil, which is something Glenn doesn't like to talk about. There's a reason he lives in a non-extradition country.)
It's quite amazing how confident they are about Rogan’s status and don't back off at all when Greenwald intervenes. It's almost like this part of Joe's life is an open secret in his circle, otherwise where Cenk and Ana got this stuff from is hard to explain.
It does seem like there's something more going on with Joe than just gayness--why would Rogan remain in the closet for so long, in Hollywood, of all places? He does seem to have another "part of his life," but it must be something far worse than what Howard Stern and others suspected in the 2000s for him to be so unwilling to ever talk about it and keep others from ever talking about it either.
Why does all this sex stuff matter? Because Joe clearly doesn't want it to come out, which means he is highly exposed to blackmail on part of these networks. In many ways, Joe Rogan and Alex Jones are inextricably linked, and the difference is that Joe is much more deeply compromised and has become much more popular than Jones, but there is no meaningful difference in what they're doing, they're part of the same op within the same network.
A very strange clip of Eric Weinstein talking to fellow Likud agent Lex Fridman aka Alexei Fedotov about Joe Rogan and how he's grateful for what he did for Sam Harris, his brother Bret, and for Alexei himself, but that he's "worried about him."
When watching this bizarre conversation one gets the sense that Eric sees Joe, at least at that time, as working for Eric and his "guys." And who are Eric's guys exactly? I think we all know the answer to that. And so, most importantly, does Joe Rogan.
You can almost hear Eric. “Nice little show, Joe! Would be a shame if anything happened to it if you step out of line.”