If You Want To Hide The Evidence You Need A Fire, a Smart Meter and Some Nazis
How much Nazi technology is in the United States anyway?
The past really is a foreign country, filled with dreams and nightmares that never came to pass…
Some months ago someone presented me with a rather well argued piece about how there continues to exist this Nazi network within America, notwithstanding the outcome of the Second World War.
This person argued at some length that there was in fact a Nazi network in California and that Austin Russell, the CEO of Luminar, was involved. Go on, says I, and go on she did.
Another friend corroborated this analysis and recommended I read Robert Ludlum’s book, The Scarlatti Inheritance, which is about the following:
In Washington during World War II, word is received that an elite member of the Nazi High Command is willing to defect and divulge information that will shorten the war. But his defection entails the release of the ultra-top-secret file on the Scarlatti Inheritance – a file whose contents will destroy many of the Western world's greatest and most illustrious reputations if they are made known. From there, the book takes itself back a few decades, and tells the story of a corrupt American soldier, his billionaire mother, and an agent working for one of the smallest secret service departments in the world.
In other words these are the Nazi control files and Ludlum was talking about things without talking about them, if you know how spy novelists do things. We’ve been over this many times before. Search the archives!
My friend DeAnna Calderón is on it already so I’m going to hit a few of her gaps.
Apparently there’s this big Nazi network in California, especially in Orange County. Who knew! Another suitably nerdy friend told me that in fact the Nazi network in California had advanced up one Richard Nixon and that they were quite interested in me, especially their allies the Deseret Mormons with whom they jointly developed a lot of aerial technology. Apparently they knew of my grandfather’s secret Mormon lineage and his ties to the French world.
Since then I’ve often a lot about the Nazis and their descendants in America and how they, like their Mormon allies, use technology to overthrow the existing order. This hidden German world is very much still with us. As you know there once was a question as to whether German might be the language of America. Read what Ben Franklin said about the Germans. Quite eye-opening.
If you think about World War II never really ending you can think of all the Germans in the country wanting to escape. Some of them fall in love with America and want desperately to forget the old country. Others of them are forced to make a show of loyalty. Still others are acting as Nazis in place.
A GenX Ohioan friend of mine recounts how when he was growing up every other month or so there would be a Nazi who would be outed and jailed.
Nazis? Nazis! I did Nazi that coming but upon retrospect it seems rather obvious. Why wouldn’t one of the smartest groups of people want to build technology to overthrow the existing social order?
If you watch the television program Babylon Berlin you get a taste for how there was significant German-Soviet technological cooperation between World War I and World War II.
Rather interestingly, my erstwhile college friend Ian Johnson wrote a rather good book about that very subject a few years ago.
While Soviet-German military cooperation between 1922 and 1933 is often forgotten, it had a decisive impact on the origins and outbreak of World War II. Germany rebuilt its shattered military at four secret bases hidden in Russia. In exchange, the Reichswehr sent men to teach and train the young Soviet officer corps. However, the most important aspect of Soviet-German cooperation was its technological component. Together, the two states built a network of laboratories, workshops, and testing grounds in which they developed what became the major weapons systems of World War II. Without the technical results of this cooperation, Hitler would have been unable to launch his wars of conquest.
I oftentimes wonder:
How many other countries’ secret weapons or espionage programs are operating right here in America? And how would we even know about it?
We know that there are secret Chinese jails here and even a secret bioweapons programs. How many covid testing operations were, in fact, operations to secretly obtain American health data by the Chinese?
How many other countries have this sort of thing going on right under our noses?
Are we really supposed to ignore that the new CEO of Ancestry Howard Hochhauser is a director of the American Technion Society?
That’s right — 23 & Me, Ancestry, and myDNA — all have connections to the IDF. MyDNA even has ties to all these smart meters burning down houses.
How should Americans feel about turning their most sensitive family data over to the Israelis, especially after the IDF has announced expanding its secretive human intelligence “Unit 504”?
The Chinese are all over biotech too and their Mormon-founded law firm Quinn Emanuel is only too happy to help take money from American companies like Illumina. In fact he and his fellow lawyers brag about it on his podcast.
We’ve already discussed how Illumina was compromised during this time frame so perhaps that $330 million awarded to BGI was just China paying China.
In addition to BGI, Quinn Emanuel repped Huawei, DJI — and fraudster Hal Lambert in his frivolous lawsuit against me after he cheated me of my interests in a satellite company. Did you know that the Chinese and Israel have an interest in satellite technology? How should we feel about John Quinn interviewing Israeli Defense Forces on his podcast?
Lambert has been aided in his theft by John Burbank whom our colleague Arthur Bloom has called “China’s Man in San Francisco.”
Adding still more intrigue here John Quinn’s father — Horace Alvord Quinn — was involved in secreting Nazis into America, including Nazi rocket man Wernher von Braun himself. As you may know, the relationship with the Nazis and the Mormons was a lot closer than you’re allowed to talk about.
While the elder Quinn was looking to steal technology and bring it to America it looks like the younger Quinn and his law firm is looking to steal technology from America.
Of course not every Nazi likes to be forced to relocate to America. They even might want to go to space and be space Nazis. Oh you thought Elon was first? How dare you!
No, this isn’t Red Skull from Captain America trying to overthrow the existing order but something very real that happened in Zaire, now Democratic Republic of Congo.
If you want to overthrow the existing order you need communications and what better way of doing that then launching satellites?
The trick for these kind of operations is how to finance them. One of the best scams is to present them as investments to lure a gullible and greedy public.
Sure enough, Otto von Bolschwing was a Nazi war criminal brought to America by the Gettys and their consigliere Alfred Newsom to participate in what was called the “largest stock fraud in California history.”
Wikipedia is helpful here:
von Bolschwing and his family relocated to Sacramento, California, where he had been retained as a business consultant with the technology firm Trans-International Computer Investment Corporation (TCI), due to his extensive international business contacts.[21] TCI held a controlling interest in various Silicon Valley–based subsidiaries involved in overseeing the development of high-volume computer networks for businesses as well as navigation systems for oil tankers employing satellite communications. The company’s portfolio also included multiple classified contracts with the US Defense Department related to the possible military-applications of satellite technology.
Getty was also a senior member of TCI’s Board of Directors. Getty’s intercession facilitated von Bolschwing's rapid appointment to the office of President of TCI in 1970.
Several of TCI's major shareholders were accused of syndicating their stock and selling it to small investors, an act made illegal under a 1968 law requiring that all security sales be registered.[4] The Department of Corporations suspended the trading of TCI stock and the ensuing scandal was denounced by the Sacramento County District Attorney’s Office as possibly the largest stock fraud in California history.[
Though von Bolsching wasn’t prosecuted for his role in the fraud he was prosecuted by the Office of Special Investigations for being a Nazi and concealing it during his naturalization process. (Are you paying attention Herr Elon?) And, soon, in addition to being outed as a Nazi, Bolsching met and married his fourth and final wife, who reportedly converted him to Mormonism.
How many secret Mormons are also involved in exfiltrating technology?
And maybe, just maybe, von Bolsching’s stock fraud was itself an attack on the U.S. and its sense making capabilities.
Might there be other stock frauds attacking America and its military in our own time? Indeed there are! We might call that category “defense tech.”
One wonders how many stock frauds continue to happen with supposedly advanced military technology. Might that be what’s happening in Columbus Ohio with weapons manufacturer Anduril?
Of course the technology needn’t work necessarily. It need only be plausible because plausible is investible. Repeat after me my friend: plausible is investible. And if something is investible it can be used to move money across borders.
So what happens is a classic stock fraud. You make something that is plausible enough and the bigger firms have to either buy you and kill you or invest in you. These arguments can conceal the fact that sometimes “investments” are really just pay offs as was seemingly the case when Toyota (Japanese), Audi (German), Daimler AGs (German) and Volvo (Swedish) all announced partnerships with Austin Russell’s Luminar. And of course the final partnership was with none other than SAIC Motor (Chinese). They even offered to build an office in Shanghai.
With each new partnership Luminar raised a fresh round of founding. You can keep this hustle going for a long, long time, sometimes even for forever. Now is it possible that Austin Russell was involved in pumping his own stock fraud? Well, Austin did try to own Forbes magazine. How better to commit a stock fraud than to own the papers that could pump it up. And yet Russell was up to own Forbes magazine, in a deal which intriguingly failed to come through.
A Kremlin-connected oligarch apparently blew the whole deal up by blabbing about it — at least if the Washington Post is to be believed. Weird stuff man. That the oligarch in question — Magomed Musaev — is a Dagestani practitioner of the ancient philosophy of qigong. Musaev purchased Forbes Russia because he wanted to protect his father-in-law from the law enforcement inquires.
Was it CIA leaking to the tapes to the Washington Post? Or was it the Russian deep state offering up a trade? Or something more interesting? Who knows! Super interesting though!
Anyway the Austin-Nazi research is solid — I’ve checked it a few times — but I’m not entirely convinced of its conclusions. Yes, it does seem as if Austin Russell is in fact born of a Nazi lineage. Curious stuff and I can understand now why a lot of my German-born friends are leery of detection technology like genomics and facial recognition.
Russell seems like a frontman, to be sure, but whose? And might he not even totally know it? Might he have been turned by U.S. government after his company’s stock cratered from a SPAC? The stock’s fall from $566 to $7.60 would surely have gotten attention.
Despite having failed to acquire Forbes the magazine seems clearly to me that Forbes is increasingly well run after its interlude of having criminals like Sam Bankman-Fried, Elizabeth Holmes and Vivek Ramaswamy grace its cover. It’s very interesting isn’t it that Forbes is suddenly covering the Russians who work for Joe Lonsdale and that it seems to have deprioritized its 30 under 30 silliness.
Anyway I’ve been thinking a lot about these connections in light of Austin Russell’s $125m home in the Pacific Palisades burning down to the ground this past week.
To be honest I didn’t know he owned the home in California. From what I what understood Russell’s company — Luminar — was based in very Mormon friendly Orlando.
If you’ve watched the show Succession you’ve seen the house which is apparently quite beautiful.
We have hitherto explored the role of targeting Altadena (a Black area) and Pacific Palisades (a liberal Jewish area) but there’s a darker thing here.
How many of the homes which burned down deserved to be lit ablaze?
That’s quite crass so let me explain.
Let’s say you’re in business with a criminal syndicate and that criminal syndicate is worried you’ve turned fed or may one day in the not so distant future.
They could, of course, hire people to burn down your house. This would be a rather terrifying thing for you but a relatively easy matter for them.
It’s hard to find such people, of course, and there’s always a chance they’ll run off with the money. But wouldn’t it be cleaner and simpler to just burn down your house with the technologies that they’ve built already embedded within your house?
You could quite plausibly claim to a grand jury that you don’t have any records at all.
I met Austin briefly some years ago and like a lot of these Silicon Valley types, he didn’t seem home when we talked. You see that a lot with these types — a sort of inability to speak off the cuff, or extemporaneously, a willingness to hide behind cliches or PR people.
How much Nazi technology is in the United States anyway?
Maybe you’re looking at the wrong Nazis — maybe, just maybe, a lot of the Nazi technology was given to the Jews.
You’re going to have to be willing to rethink a lot of things. Are you ready? You might get called names.
We shall turn to it in another post…
Hi Charles, been watching your account for the last two years on twitter (never X) and have been at times confused at your positions and your own friend network, but I've come to the conclusion that you are a patriot and are appalled at what is unfolding.
I would reach further back to the Confederacy and that those dark forces have never left us. In fact, the Christian Nation element of the Confederacy is in a resurgence under Opus Dei and American Evangelism. At least the Nazis were secularists. The MAGA movement perhaps isn't as militant as Nazis (yet) but they certainly are more religious *shudder*.
Appropriately the show 'American Primeval' (Netflix) just released is the American West right before the Civil War. They feature truly evil Mormans led by a diabolical Joseph Smith. I thought of how similar they are to the Whitecloaks in the sci-fi fantasy epic 'Wheel of Time' series.
As someone who has spent their life keeping their head down and busy creating my own business and financial security, I'm awake and pissed. The veil has been wiped from my eyes. If you have a pretty good idea of how to combat these dark forces, how do you go about getting the idea out there? Obviously this is a fight for power, so the payoff isn't immediate financial benefit. But I don't know any of these people...I'm ready to roll up my sleeves and fight.
Nazis have been in America for a very long time and have never left. Robert Oppenheimer I do believe was also a Nazi, along with very many others.