How Attorney General Bill Barr Sold Out America To China-Israel On Law Enforcement Technology
And why the attorney general should not be allowed to walk away from his crimes

It’s hard to use the “t” word. You gotta have a reason to use “treason.”
Treason is one of the toughest crimes to prove — and for good reason. You don’t want to believe that there might be that many traitors in your midst. Besides, you don’t want to believe that another American could, in fact, sell out the United States but then the evidence starts to pile up and you can’t really look away even if the traitor does all he can to suggest maybe, just perhaps, he isn’t a traitor at all. But the traitor is still a traitor. He’s just interested in saving his skin. We can work with that but we don’t expect much from it. Someone who shares your priorities but not your values you never can fully trust.
You look to the biography, the genealogy, and it all starts to make sense — slowly, dimly, it comes into focus. A picture is formed, especially when you consider that Judith Miller — fired from the New York Times for hyping the Iraq War — championed Bill Barr’s impending attorney general nomination in City Journal, the publication of the Manhattan Institute. Or perhaps it’s worth mentioning all of the joint ventures between Time Warner and Chinese companies when Barr served on the Time Warner board from 2009 to 2018. Barr certainly knows how to cash in.
Barr’s lack of ethics is on display again this past week when former U.S. Attorney Geoffrey Berman has listed a number of concerning details involving his relationship with Donald Trump.
Barr even offered Berman a job he apparently thought would be an enticing sweetener — head of the DOJ’s Civil Division, which represents the United States in all civil lawsuits, a big job, but far from the criminal fray. With that job, Barr told Berman, he could “attract clients and build a book of business” for whenever Berman left the DOJ for the private sector. Only after offering him the job did Barr ask whether Berman had any experience in civil law, revealing that the attorney general was not always concerned withthe best interests of the department he was entrusted to lead.
“Book of business” or, in other words, “selling the office.” Berman went on to accuse the Barr Administration of targeting political adversaries and his claims are now prompting the U.S. Senate to investigate.
I suspect that there was something far more sinister at play — that Barr was pursuing and targeting his own political enemies at the expense of President Donald Trump.
We’ve more or less concluded that a number of people within the Trump Whitehouse wanted to lose the 2020 election so that they could personally cash in. Governing is hard, man.
Barr’s treason took place when he integrated Chinese-Israeli technology into the Department of Justice without even testing whether or not they work or could be back doored.
These companies included:
DJI drones, which he purchased for the DOJ over the recommendations of other departments which had banned them.
NSO Group, which received over $5 million from the DOJ, before Rod Rosenstein — Barr’s second in command — joined the company.
Chainalysis, a Bitcoin tracking technology which doesn’t work and which has sent at least one innocent man to jail. Its investors include a who’s who of Chinese and Israeli fronts.
Cellebrite, a phone hacking tool that falsely claimed involvement in solving the San Bernardino terrorist attack.
Tik Tok — Barr repeatedly refused to do anything about the Chinese compromised company.
Oh, yes, Bill Barr was hand selected by the Federalist Society to be the Attorney General. Oh yes, Bill Barr and Leonard Leo were the two most powerful Catholics in America. Oh yes, together they built the “Opus Dei Court” and took over the Federal Judiciary, the White House Counsel’s Office, and the Department of Justice.
Now I should say that I love the Catholic Church and consider myself a Catholic convert. No, I’m not a very good Catholic but I am broadly sympathetic to the Church and its teachings. If you look closely at my work, private and public, you’ll see that there are strong Christian themes throughout it — stewardship, promotion of the heavenly virtues, and sacrifice. I remain a proud American but a Deep State without a noble, probably Christian, framework is a tyranny.
Every business deal I enter into I ask the following question: Is this good for my soul? Is this good for my family? Is this good for my country? I use revelation and reason to try to get there. I don’t always get it right. I read the Bible and the Catechism. Now I don’t wear my faith on my sleeve — virtue signaling and holy rollers ain’t my style — and I don’t do the whole loud thing with religion but I don’t hide it when asked about it. I’m not preachy but I believe in mighty forces coming to the aid of the good.
Some of my best friends are members of Opus Dei (or cooperators) but Opus Dei has presented real problems for the church by creating a hierarchy among believers — a sort of “more Catholic than the Pope” attitude that I find totally against church teachings. I also thing it tends to attract the wrong types. Barr once hired as a speechwriter John Paul Wauck, who later became an Opus Dei priest and has kept in periodic touch with him. Wauck’s brother Mark was close to fellow FBI agent Robert Hanssen, the Opus Dei spy who worked for FBI counterintelligence.
In my view (and that of the Pope) Opus Dei is something of a heresy but heresy isn’t without its adherents. In much the same way as Chabad has become Putin-sanctioned Judaism, Opus Dei Catholicism serves the same role for the Chinese, especially the overseas Chinese Catholic community who pay tribute to it and who fear the Chinese communist party’s excesses, real and imagined.
A friend of mine on the National Security Council once said that Trump was the first Chinese president. For what it’s worth I suspect he’s wrong— Herbert Hoover and Richard Nixon seem awfully Chinese to me. Nor do I think it’s much of a coincidence that many of the financial supporters — billionaires Uihlein, Seid, Shillman — of the January 6th insurrection owe their backing to the Chinese. Who knows what to make of the Publix heiress who gave to the C4 which put on the event.
The Chinese, we have seen, tend to support secret societies and oligarchs. It’s easier to get those elites, tied in financially with the Chinese, to pay tribute to the Middle Kingdom.
Naturally when it comes to conversion there’s always the problem of how sincere we ought to take it. Is this a conversion out of convenience, politics, conviction, or some combination thereof? Only God knows.
Still the question lingers. Was the conversion opportunistic? Some conversions, especially done by the sword, do seem especially well timed.
Sure enough Barr’s father, Donald, was born Jewish. He converted to Catholicism and became headmaster of the tony Dalton School where he later hired Jeffrey Epstein. Despite his Jewishness, the younger Barr became "more Catholic than the Catholics," according to Vanity Fair. But did he really? Or is it all just a cover?
There’s a hint of playing both sides in Judith Miller’s City Journal piece:
Barr asked the nuns at convents he helps support in Illinois and Virginia to pray for his daughter. He also sought help from a rabbi who sent Meg a book of prayers. His own father, though a Catholic convert, was born a Jew. “So I wanted to cover all the bases,” he said.
Barr reportedly wanted to become director of the CIA — something he spoke about often — but he never quite made it. Was Barr spotted and recruited early?
..Barr told his high school guidance counselor that he wanted to lead the Central Intelligence Agency, said Robert Kimmitt, a Republican friend of 40 years who has also held several senior government posts. While most aspiring analysts studied Russian during the Cold War, Barr got a master’s degree at Columbia in Chinese—“the other enemy,” as he put it. Between 1973 and 1977, he worked as a CIA analyst while attending night law school at George Washington. As a junior specialist in China, he occasionally was asked to backstop CIA director, George H.W. Bush, a former U.S. ambassador to China, at congressional hearings. The connection proved useful.
It’s unclear that’s strictly true. Members of the Bush Administration I have talked to as well family friends on the China desk at CIA found Bill Barr terribly disappointing. “He was really a Nixon and Ford guy — not one of ours,” says an old Bush ‘41 hand.
Attending Columbia University was a formative experience for Bill Barr and he tussled with protestors who opposed the Vietnam War in fist fights in a series of skirmishes in 1968.
While many of his fellow amateur political pugilists came to regret their involvement fighting with the anti-war protestors who they later deemed were on the “right side of history.”
But Barr never did and has dined out on the fight for some decades to come.
In his 1991 Senate confirmation hearing to be attorney general, Barr explained: “I went to Columbia University during the riots in the late 1960s. People interfered, private citizens interfered with my constitutional rights, and I am not saying this is an analogous situation completely, but people blocked me from getting into the library. I know how it feels to be blocked when you are going about your lawful rights and it is quite offensive. But even though I was being blocked in the exercise of my constitutional rights, I was being blocked not by the State, but by private people. And my remedy there was to go to State courts and get the city police to get them out of my way, which is what ultimately happened.”
Today the Vietnam War is understood as a fight against Communism but at the time many American Catholics supported the corrupt government in South Vietnam in large measure because its dictator Ngô Đình Diệm and his minority ruling clique were Catholic. Another way of thinking about the Vietnam War is between the godless communists and the Catholics. It’s certainly how Barr thought about it. In mayor addresses Barr has made it clear that he’s a cultural warrior — and the culture war and its divisiveness is supported by the Chinese who use it to further their goal of turning America into a civil war.
For Barr, there’s only one universalism — Catholicism. Indeed Barr seems to delight in antagonizing the Chinese Communist Party needlessly as he recounts in a speech on China policy at the Gerald Ford Museum in July 2020.
I told him that I was going to aim to be despicable, but I’ll settle for especially disgusting. But no matter how the Chinese seek to characterize it I do hope that my speech and Mike Pompeo’s speech will encourage the American people to reevaluate their relationship with China, so long as it continues to be ruled by the Chinese Communist Party. It is fitting that were here today at the Ford Presidential Museum. Gerald Ford served in the highest echelons of the government at the dawn of America's reengagement with China, which began obviously with President Nixon in 1972, and three years later in 1975, President Ford visited China for a summit with PRC leaders including Mao Zedong.
At the time it was unthinkable that China would emerge after the Cold War as a near-peer competitor of the United States. And even then, there were signs of China's immense latent power. In the joint report of their visit to China in 1972, House Majority Leader Hale Boggs and then minority leader Gerald Ford wrote: “If she manages to achieve as she aspires, China in the next half century can emerge as a self-sufficient power of a billion people… this last impression – of the reality of China's colossal potential – is perhaps the most vivid of our journey. As our small party traveled through that boundless land, this sense of a giant stirring, a dragon waking, gave us much to ponder.” It is now nearly fifty years later and the pressing pondering as of these two congressmen have come to pass.
Deng Xiaoping, whose economic reform launched China's remarkable rise had a famous motto: “hide your strength and bide your time.” That is precisely what China has done. China's economy has quietly grown from about 2 percent of the world's GDP in 1980, to nearly 20 percent today. And by some estimates based on purchasing parity, the Chinese economy is already larger than ours. The General Secretary of the Chinese Communist Party, Xi Jinping, who has centralized power to a degree not seen since the dictatorship of Mao Zedong, now speaks openly of China moving closer to the center stage, building a socialism that is superior to capitalism, and replacing the American dream with the Chinese solution. China is no longer hiding it strength nor biding its time. From the perspective of its communist rulers, China's time has arrived.
What Barr doesn’t discuss is how men like him made that that Chinese rise inevitable by cashing in on it.
The name that Barr doesn’t mention is Deng Xiaoping’s advisor — Wang Huning — who instructed the Chinese policymakers that the way to control America was through technology and entertainment — both industries where Barr has helped become more and more Chinese.
Bill Barr’s alma mater Columbia has ties to the Chinese world date back to the early 1900s.
At 20,000 volumes, Columbia’s C.V. Starr East Asian Library (formerly known as the Chinese Studies Library) boasts the largest collection of Chinese genealogical records in North America. (Victoria Li, “Librarians, Scholars, and Spies: How a Trove of Chinese Ancestral Records Found Refuge on Columbia’s Shelves,” Columbia Spectator, March 27, 2019.)
In other words, it’s an invaluable tool for intelligence gathering — a veritable who’s who of an ancient civilization. Barr would certainly have been aware of Jia pu, or Chinese genealogical analysis.
If we want to continue being safe, we should take all of this material
The Chinese are doing it to us through the ownership of, through Blackstone’s Deborah Liu, a Sheryl Sandberg acolyte who ran the disgraceful Facebook Marketplaces product. It’s not a coincidence that Ancestry is expanding its offerings to countries that China wants to subvert.
But instead of address the veritable takeover of American industry by China, Barr targeted Chinese-American academics in a series of failed prosecutions. Such prosecutions could well have had the effect of having Chinese scientists stay in China rather than act as a bridge between our countries.
Was that Barr’s intent?
It really makes you think about what he was really up to. I’ve come to suspect early that the China Initiative itself was designed to generate a lot of heat but little light about the real extent of the Chinese threat in the West. If you can increase the feeling of isolation by the Chinese community, you achieve your goals. The Chinese Communist Party wants the Chinese diaspora afraid and running to them — and not local law enforcement — for protection.
Why do the tech companies — backed as many of them are by China — promote the #StopAsianHate narrative?
Long before Bill Barr was Attorney General, I learned of him whilst I was investigating the PROMIS Scandal some years ago.
Sure enough, he appointed a special prosecutor who once again prepared a report that no one really read. He did it still again with the Iraq loans scandal.
PROMIS, or Prosecutor's Management Information System, was likely the first foray into what became back doored surveillance technology.
The New York Times wrote it up in 1997.
"L'Oeil De Washington" contends that a bugged version of PROMIS was sold in the mid-1980s for Soviet government use, with the media mogul Robert Maxwell as a conduit. According to the book, Israel's knowledge of this operation became a bargaining chip in trying to curb U.S. arms shipments to Iraq before the Gulf War; the Israelis threatened to tell the Russians their computers were open to American surveillance. Apparently, the U.S. called Israel's bluff and lost. One of the book's major sources, the Israeli arms merchant Ari Ben-Menashe, told the authors that in 1989 the Soviet spy agency, the GRU, shut down all of its computers for a week after learning that they were bugged by PROMIS.
Oracle, backed as it is by Larry Ellison, serves much the same role today. What should we then make of efforts by Ellison to acquire Palantir?
Technology titans have now replaced the casino moguls as the money behind the Republican Party.
The Chinese casino men were obviously Chinese — and so too are the tech bros.
We might consider a different world — a world in which the standards of the Commerce Department were implemented and Big Tech actually solved the rising crime problem.
Of course such efforts would reconciling with the following facts as recounted in a report from The Third Way:
The rate of murders in the US has gone up at an alarming rate. But, despite a media narrative to the contrary, this is a problem that afflicts Republican-run cities and states as much or more than the Democratic bastions.
In 2020, per capita murder rates were 40% higher in states won by Donald Trump than those won by Joe Biden.
8 of the 10 states with the highest murder rates in 2020 voted for the Republican presidential nominee in every election this century.
Could it be that Republicans increasingly just want to run on these issues rather than address them?
I’d love to be proven wrong.
As always, very interesting. And for the record, you are a much better Catholic than I am a good Presbyterian. However, like you, I believe those who lack a amoral compass lack what it takes to work in jobs that require a sworn oath of duty. Even an appearance of self interest must be avoided. Barr falls short for the reasons you list.