Free The Captives, Donald The Merciful! J.D. The Compromised? Let's Be Careful With Our DNA, Secretary Hegseth!
And yes, I would like to offer Ross Ulbricht a job.
When I met President Trump after his presidency I told him the only way he would earn my support was if he pardoned my friend Ross Ulbricht. In releasing Ross Ulbricht he kept his word to me so I will keep mine to him. Thank you, Mr. President.
I told Speaker Mike Johnson that while President Donald Trump was not my candidate, he is my president. We’re all very tired of Red Team and Blue Team, aren’t we folks?
So let people know here and wide that I never leave behind my friends. I first wrote about Ross Ulbricht after a chance meeting of his mother, Lyn, in Palm Beach, Florida in 2012. I have not forgotten the love in his mother’s eyes when she told me painfully about the ordeal he was facing. I visited Ross in Tucson and in Florence, Colorado. I knew that there were repeated attempts to get him to join a gang and that he refused them.
So over the years I have quietly done all I can to get Ross released under both the Trump and Biden administrations.
As I was writing this piece I happily learned that other friends of mine had been pardoned by President Donald Trump.
You may recall that I wrote a letter to a federal judge on Karen’s and Robert’s behalf.
Now there are a lot of people who are wrongly in jail thanks to fake Israeli tech. Looking at you, Chainalysis! Or scapegoated by the Netanyahu defamation machine which we now understand as the Anti-defamation League. People are beginning to see what’s what.
CIA director Mike Pompeo was very closely associated to the Israelis. He and the Israeli-compromised FBI targeted me over visiting Julian Assange in 2017. And yet I helped release Assange too.
I don’t get involved with freeing the wrongly imprisoned because I’m trying to be a good person or have good karma but because I think it’s what those of us who are odd must do. In a way, we’re prisoners here. We sometimes just need another chance.
When you traffic in death, you will have violence visited upon you. The Buddhists are right. Do not get involved with trigger pullers; get involved with peacemakers. “Blessed are the peacemakers: for they shall be called the children of God.” (Matthew 5:9)
I have gone out of my way over the years not to invest in weapons. When companies I have backed become involved in weapons trafficking I ask for my money back, often at a loss. I invested in facial recognition precisely because I wanted to live in a world in which we take pictures of one another and not shots at one another. I do not want to live in a police state but a justice oriented, loving one.
I’ll go anywhere at anytime in the service of peace and mercy. I’d argue that it’s what those of us who are of aristocratic and noble lineage are called to do. It may even be the reason we exist — to do great things for the world. The ancients said there were three paths to immortality — studying the forms, having children, and doing the great deeds.
The purpose of the CIA is to do everything possible to prevent war. "And ye shall know the truth and the truth shall make you free." It says it on the wall.
When trigger pullers are called up it’s because aristocrats have failed. We should do much better than we have been doing. It’s not survival of the fittest but sacrifice of the fittest.
Mike Pompeo did not deserve to be Secretary of State or CIA Director. He was blinded by ambition and funded by foreign interests so it’s good that President Trump took away his security detail.
Pompeo reportedly worked on having Assange assassinated, likely by using Israeli cut outs. My friend Arthur Bloom documented that Sheldon Adelson’s 200+ page FBI file is entirely blank. Why is that? We deserve to know the role that Adelson played in subverting our country on behalf of Chinese and Israeli interests.
The Israelis did not want it getting out that they had been using Assange to release material so they sought to kill Assange. The British told that that’s the real reason he was moved to Belmarsh prison.
Having met people who really do fear for their lives I took it as kind of ridiculous that Mike Pompeo and his lieutenant Brian Hook got free security.
I met Brian Hook at the Qatari embassy party on the Fourth of July in 2023. He seemed perfectly fine. He had been working for the very Chisraeli Cerberus Capital Management which needs a thorough cleanup job. I don’t think a lot of those threats were credible. A lot if seemed like a kind of security theatre. The Israelis are always telling us that Iran is going to get the bomb so we sanction Iran and then China gets cheap oil. But that hustle only works when China is growing, not contracting.
The Israeli hustles are collapsing and so are those who hustled on behalf of the Israeli oligarchy. Their fates are sealed.
You’re going to read about that a lot in the coming weeks and months but it seems as if a new hustle has emerged… Secretary of Defense Peter Hegseth.
In 2018 Hegseth took a DNA test from the very Chinese, very Israeli MyHeritage which purported to show that he was Norwegian. I’ve met Norwegians — I had dinner with one just a few nights ago — and I’m not buying it. I think Hegseth is German. He certainly looks the part.
This DNA test means that the SNP arrays for our possible Secretary of Defense is in the hands of a foreign power. Think about that. What possible intelligence could other countries extract from that DNA file?
MyHeritage was purchased by Francisco Partners — a very Chisraeli private equity outfit in 2021. Could that explain why Israeli spy Arthur Schwartz has been harassing people on behalf of Peter Hegseth?
Schwartz was also leading the efforts through Donald Trump Jr. to get Trump to select J.D. Vance as his father’s running mate. We’ve already explored how Vance is compromised by the Israelis, the Chinese and the Indians so we weren’t terribly surprised to see Vance cast the deciding vote for Hegseth. Arguably drunkenly getting into Israeli wars is what the Secretary of Defense does so Hegseth is merely returning to type. In a way, I’m glad that Hegseth got the job because people are going to see how manifestly incompetent he is and they are going to draw obvious assessments.
It’s worth knowing that 23 & Me, Ancestry and MyHeritage are all now headed by Israeli-affiliated entities. Ancestry’s data is even stored in India! Think about that! The same India where Indian spies are credibly accused with trying to assassinate people on American soil! (Remember what I said about trigger pullers?)
One of the cofounders of MyHeritage is a graduate of Technion, Israel’s Institute of Technology, and the new CEO of Ancestry is a supporter of the same institution. The new CEO of MyDNA is a Jewish Australian linked to smart meters — the very same smart meters which have been exploding all over Los Angeles.
The IDF is said to be expanding its HUMINT division Unit 504. Could DNA be a part of those efforts?
Yossi Melman of Haaretz has claimed that the unit "has had a reputation of acting unscrupulously, lacking inhibition and proper supervision, whose commanders will whitewash investigations and turn a blind eye to questionable operations," accusing the unit of torture and of being involved in drug smuggling. Melman was himself "Shaked," a reconnaissance and Special Forces unit and the protagonist of Alex Gibney’s 2016 documentary, Zero Days.
There’s been a concerted effort of Israelis for awhile to get access to American service members’ DNA led by none other than Israeli-born Ike Perlmutter who was reported by Pro Publica to be a “shadow rulers” of the Department of Veterans Affairs and who cultivated Australian hackers like Chris Wade.
I sometimes wonder how many of these hackers wind up working for foreign intelligence. Maybe we should begin our own effort to identify them and recruit them before they are recruited against us.
And so with that in mind I’d like to offer Ross Ulbrich — my friend — a job. I think Ross has a lot to contribute and I look forward to getting to know him on the outside.
Isn’t it weird that Ross Ulbricht’s Bitcoins were given over to Tim Draper — you know, the same Draper who is credibly accused of funding fake drone companies? Something is quite sinister in the tech community, isn’t it?
Brendon of Connell calling Bullocks on this and yet Charles u email Brendon last year but failed to mention his name anywhere publicly but you mention Deanna and Arthur Blooms, Yall are Fed Rats and Brendon doesn't work for anyone and neither do I, I follow your work but we are now shaking are head on this post, just saying...
Thank you. You have helped me see things more clearly. I appritieate you and how that helped me understand where 🇺🇸 is in history right now. Thank you.