Follow the Money! How The Obsession on Elon Musk's Sex and Drug Life Hides His Ties to Organized Crime and Foreign Intelligence
Yes, it's really that crazy...
(Author’s note: I had been traveling in the Middle East — expect future writings! — and so neglected some of my responsibilities herein. All for a good cause, I promise. Not that my departure seems to have done Thoughts and Adventures much damage. Indeed, I returned from Turkey, Israel and Morocco to find my subscriber count at an all-time high. Well, alright then. Thank you to everyone who reads and especially those who share the posts around.)
One of the stories that made the rounds during my departure was the fight betwixt Jared Birchall and Igor Kurganov over billionaire Elon Musk’s alleged philanthropic endeavors. The Wall Street Journal’s Robert Copeland put together a good, serviceable report, titled, “Elon Musk’s Inner Circle Rocked by Fight Over His $230 Billion Fortune.” (Still another story was filed by the Journal’s Kirsten Grind and Emily Glazer about Elon Musk reportedly having an affair with Google cofounder Sergey Brin’s latest ex-wife. How does he find the time, I wonder?)
My view is that the obsession with Musk’s prodigious sex life and drug culture indulgences masks his real ties to foreign intelligence services and to organized crime, as discussed by the guys behind the YouTube series Dark Origins. (You should absolutely support their work financially, as its been top notch, especially their pieces on Ben Shapiro and Jared Kushner.)
I find the discussion of the Dark Origins of famous people to be one of the few taboos that we aren’t allowed to probe fully. To examine the interplay between the underworld, the deep state, and our own world is to be quickly branded a conspiracy theorist, crazy or worse. And yet it doesn’t make it any less true.
The key detail in question from the Copeland Journal piece is that the FBI was probing Kurganov.
Copeland discussed it with the Journal’s podcast.
Copeland: The Twitter deal took most of Musk's focus. And meanwhile, a separate issue was developing. According to Rob's reporting, the FBI had been making preliminary inquiries into Kurganov's role in the inner circle. What was the FBI looking at and why?
Copeland: Well, we should say, first of all, that Igor has not been accused of any wrongdoing. But the people I spoke to, tell me that the FBI was alarmed that this new figure was so close to this very important American businessman, and that he seemed to have a lot of influence over Elon Musk. And the FBI simply didn't understand why.
Speaker 1: When Rob reached out to the FBI, the agency declined to comment. Earlier this year, according to Rob's reporting, Birchall told Musk, it was time to let Kurganov go.
Copeland: And Elon agrees. He says, okay, and that's it. They shut off Igor's email, he's no longer at the Musk Foundation. I spoke to a spokesman for the Musk Foundation, who now says that no money was given away based on effective altruism. And that's that.
The very notion that Musk is even engaged in philanthropy at all needs to be called into question, especially when you consider the sheer size of the FBI inquiry into Musk. Don’t worry.

Take, for example, some of the material that the Journal did not print in its write up: the ties of Kurganov to Chinese organized crime — or Musk’s.
This material as concerns Kurganov raises the prospect that the money earmarked for so-called effective altruism was, in point of fact, a pay off and not a charitable donation at all.
Here’s the material that I wrote up.
Elon Musk’s would be head of a $5.7 billion charity has ties to Chinese organized crime figure once charged by the Department of Justice and arrested by the FBI.
Before Musk made 34-year-old Russian-born pot smoker Kurganov the head of his philanthropic endeavors despite a total lack of experience, Kurganov was backed in a poker game by none than Seng Chen "Richard" Yong — a Chinese triad gangster.
Yong is an international mobster who was convicted for running an illegal gambling operation in Hong Kong in 1998. (Yong was fixing horse races.)
Yong, along with others, was arrested by the FBI in a 2014 Las Vegas sting of an illegal gambling ring he was running. (Yong pled guilty and was curiously placed under probation so long as he stayed out of the United States during that period. Lamentably Yong got off on a technicality.)
According to the FBI, “Yong mentioned that he had backed two poker players, Igor Kurganov and Philipp Gruissem, in the recent Big One for One Drop tournament,” wrote Brett Forrest in ESPN. (The Big One For One Drop was one of the larger cash poker games in Las Vegas.)
But for all of Kurganov’s claim of poker stills, he was quickly eliminated.
Was Kurganov backed by Yong in other high stakes poker games? It seems as if he was.
Yong has been spotted repeatedly going to the Crown Casino in Melbourne, which was in, turn owned by the manic depressive billionaire James Packer, before selling to the heavily Chinese-backed Blackstone.
Packer, for his part, was involved in an effort to set up Kevin Tsujihara, the former head of Warner Brothers, with a young English actress in a sort of casting couch arrangement. Packer has recently given a $250,000 donation to help free Julian Assange whilst traveling on board his $250 million mega yacht. As one does.
Looks like Packer sold in the nick of time! There have been tough new laws to restrict gambling at Melbourne’s Crown casino that just recently went into effect.
Packer appears to have been turned and has been going on a donation spree to rehab his image. It’ll likely take a lot more than that given the organized crime ties of his family. Much luck to him.
And much like to Chamath Palihapitiya, David Sacks, Steve Jurvetson, Marc Andreessen, Jason Calacanis, Keith Rabois, and Joe Lonsdale, who were all recently subpoenaed by Twitter’s counsel. Has the deep state come at last? It seems as if it might have. Are we really to ignore that we have a president from Delaware and a key case pending before the Delaware court?
Having already written about Palihapitiya, we will probe each of Musk’s conspirators soon enough and remain willing to assist journalists and law enforcement alike.
As we shall see, each of these investors is heavily tied into Chinese capital flows.
But what the Chinese cash brought them, the American deep state will take away.
Glad to see the substack back.