Dear Mr. Ocko: An Open Letter to an Israeli Spy Posing as a Venture Capitalist and to his LPs
We are engaging in the process of outing Bibi's boys in the Bay Area
What follows is an open letter to Matt Ocko, the compromised venture capitalist engaged in threatening Americans for exercising their free speech rights, and some remarks about why this effort has sadly become necessary.
While Ocko today pretends to be anti-China this wasn’t always so. In fact the back office of his firm — DCVC — looks pretty Chinese.
Here’s from part of a report which went to U.S. military investigators after Ocko helped compromise America’s satellite industry. (That report went to the President, by the way.)
Matthew Ocko, who is an “operating executive and venture capitalist, both in the US and in China.” As an example, Ocko tells TechCrunch, “My family has been working with the Chinese government at a reasonably high level since the late 1970s, starting with my dad…I’m not an anti-China hawk by any means.” Mr. Ocko’s Venture Capital fund is Data Collective Venture Capital (DCVC). Their limited partners are mostly unknown but Vox reports “Middle Eastern investors have successfully cozied up” with DCVC among others. Ocko has an open and friendly relationship with China.
Ocko has quite a number of family ties to the Chinese and Israeli interests, which we may explore in a subsequent post. Trust us when we say we’ve done the deep dive.
The recent war in Gaza has called upon all men and women of conscience to do what they can to reduce harm and suffering among all the peoples of the Holy Land. I am proud to be in their company with my whistleblowing. I only wish I could do more.
Many of my friends in Israel and Palestine and elsewhere have implored me to add my voice and my knowledge to this fight for peace.
Why is a member of Congress engaging with such a person?
Dear Mr. Ocko,
Please allow me to reintroduce myself. My name is Charles Carlisle Johnson aka Genius.
You have not heeded my admonitions about targeting American academics for exercising their free speech rights and indeed have seemingly stepped up your activities. We are in the process of notifying your LPs and the SEC. We have already notified the FBI.
I invite my readers to contact your LPs as well.
Texas County and District (Austin, Tx, $100m): (
Industriens Pension (Denmark, ~$10m) (
AP2 (Sweden) (
University of Missouri Retirement Fund: (
Employee’s Retirement System of Rhode Island: (
As has already been made public I worked for many years as an FBI informant. I was successful at recruiting many sources and subsources, including Peter Thiel, as recounted in Business Insider.
My Substack is read by many intelligence community professionals and given that I am no longer working with the FBI given its compromised nature, I thought I’d make public some of the work I did in the public interest.
Alas Mr. Ocko we’ve met once before when your firm was spying on “diligencing” my firm Clearview.AI. You purportedly told one of my cofounders that you would not be investing in the company because of my views on Israel. This is a violation of his responsibility to his fiduciaries.
Your firm then leaked about the company to BuzzFeed News, a front for Chinese-Israeli interests. I have since bankrupted BuzzFeedNews after I sued them all the way to the Supreme Court.
You and Mr. Matt Michelsen engaged in one of the largest frauds in American history: The Curative scandal, which bilked the U.S. taxpayer to the tune of billions of dollars.
And while it’s important that the DOJ is ending some of these covid frauds there's a lot more work to go.
We will go into Mr. Michelsen first and I’ll draw upon the work I already did for the Bureau as well as some other notes.
Matt Michelsen [REDACTED] is a front for Chinese, Russian and Emirati money into critical American technology and the US political system. He is a major player in two separate scandals — Curative — which was a fake covid testing backed by Chinese and Emirati capital — and Operation Lone Star which is a $4 billion slush fund set up by Governor Greg Abbott purportedly to address the migrant issue on the Southern border. Mr. Michelsen has, of course, donated to Mr. Abbott as well as other Texas officials.
Michelsen, who was a former eye glasses salesman and business partner with Lady Gaga and 50 Cent, has received billions of dollars from U.S. government in what may well be one of the largest frauds in American history. He currently lives in one of the most expensive homes in Austin, Texas, and travels often with Governor Greg Abbott aboard the state plane. He runs Gothams LLC from his 9700 square foot home.
Unfortunately Michelsen uses the money he has gotten through fraudulent means to influence the U.S. political system. Michelsen spent many years building up relations with the United Arab Emirates and the Chinese-friendly Russians.
The way the hustle works is that he claims to offer a solution to whatever the pressing problem is of local government officials — covid, migrants — and then offers technology which doesn’t work which he charges a very high amount for. The politicians don’t seem to notice or don’t mind because he donates some of the money to them.
USPER first met Matt Michelsen in 2017. Michelsen called USPER when he was traveling in Hong Kong and was being accessed by Chinese intelligence. Michelsen was introduced to USPER by Steve Hsu, a professor at Michigan State.
Hsu (REDACTED) was denied entry to a job in the Department of Energy due to his close Chinese ties, particularly on genomics technology. He runs a podcast which promotes the Chinese point of view called Manifold. Hsu is also an investor in genomics technology alongside USPER. Hsu “Shoe” is a go between with Chinese, American and Taiwanese authorities. He was removed from his position as a vice president at Michigan State, ostensibly over politically correct reasons but really because of his ties to Chinese intelligence.
Michelsen worked for many years for an American billionaire (REDACTED) — even going so far as to introduce said billionaire to his (REDACTED).
USPER suspected Michelsen of fraudulent behavior and kept close to him. Michelsen claimed to have been an Army Ranger. In point of fact USPER can find no record of him ever being an Army Ranger. Michelsen often lies about himself and his past.
Michelsen worked alongside the Defense Innovation Unit (DIUX) which was considered compromised by the intelligence community and was reassigned from the DOD to the National Geospatial-Intelligence Agency. At DIUX he met a number of ex-military people who went on to work for him. These military people serve as a kind of social proof for Michelsen. They are essential to his con. One of the people who works closely with him is a man named Jonathan Gruen who is allegedly ex-military.
Michelsen also served as a go between between Facebook and Rebekah Mercer during the Cambridge Analytica scandal, according to the New York Times. Mercer (REDACTED) has elsewhere been identified as a front for Chinese-Russian interests. The IRS has forced Mercer and her family to pay the largest tax settlement in American history.
Michelsen was a partner at DCVC. DCVC is a Chinese front in the United States. It moves millions into the U.S. venture system and has sought to compromise the American satellite infrastructure. USPER has already reported on that topic and led to the shutting down of several contracts for DCVC satellite companies.
The same op is now running on America’s health infrastructure. Both the L.A. Times and The Times of London reported how strange it was that a young British man with Chinese backing was allowed to do all this covid testing from a lab facility in San Dimas. (See generally, “COVID testing made Curative huge. Can its tests be trusted?” Los Angeles Times, March 24, 2021)
The FDA withdrew its authorization for Curative due to those fraudulent tests which had already been billed to the tune of billions of dollars. The tests were even tried out on our service members and Congress. Failure to use proper COVID testing led to the pandemic being prolonged, especially in Los Angeles. Michelsen’s contracts were often with very corrupt governments throughout the country. There’s video online of Michelsen demonstrating how to use the fake covid test in Colorado.
British intelligence is also interested in some of the scams that Michelsen, backed as he is by Chinese and Emirati cash, has been up to.
Unsurprisingly Michelsen described UAE as more dynamic and welcoming than other tech hubs in open source media.
Mercers and the U.S. Military
Through Matt Michelsen the Mercer reach extends into U.S. military through a company called Gotham. Michelsen needed money many years ago after he was kicked out of a venture fund. He turned to the Middle East – and to Rebekah Mercer. Michelsen has vacationed with her in Colorado and even acted as go-between between her and Facebook over the Cambridge Analytica scandal.
Gotham does a lot of work with the U.S. military. Its CEO Matt Michelsen may be running one of the largest medical frauds of all time with the company Curative with funding from the Chinese state and Rebekah Mercer’s backing.
Michelsen was essential to the growth of the Curative fraud.
Fred Turner: I think I'd add two things to that as well. Firstly, we've seen investor helpfulness sort of on another level than I've seen previously. DCVC has practically been working as a sales team in terms of working with local governments and states to help them bring online drive-through testing and get our testing out there using their network.
Eric Ries: This is Matt Ocko's team, right?
Fred Turner: Matt Ocko, Scott Barclay, and Matt Michelsen. Yes. So, we've seen an enormous amount of support from investors in helping us do that and helping with recruiting. Chris Anderson is also an investor who invested pre-COVID and then again in the COVID efforts. So, we got an enormous amount of support there.
Michelsen called a friend of mine and said that I was being investigated by the FBI and he told that friend to avoid dealing with me. In fact Michelsen is the one who should be investigated especially in light of Curative! And I understand that that process is already underway.
Michelsen is a partner at DCVC, a controversial venture fund. I’ve laid out already how DCVC takes in Chinese money in another report. [See end of report] Michelsen also leaked to BuzzFeed about Clearview, my facial recognition company, saying that the technology didn’t work all that well while Chinese facial recognition companies were trying to gain market share.
More to come…
Most any Israeli with a tech venture has failed to make a return , it’s a scheme of bringing foreign money to their opaque banks . Israeli military trained hackers and engineers are seeded all over our major products Google Meta etc so they became beholden to their political agenda .